2018-04-02 PHSS Minutes Update3 BOCC Update Minutes April 2, 2018 Start Time: 2:00 pm End Time: 2:50 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Stamper Bill Teitzel Recorder: Sandi Andrus JP Anderson BUDGET Danette reported that she received an email from David Fine that the Animal Shelter received another installment from the Phillips bequest of $32,000. The Animal Shelter committee has been meeting and will get an estimate of the cost of a new building. ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS • Update on Public Health & Social Services (PHSS) Advisory Board – JP Discussion: The Housing Committee is very active. Carolyn Schoenborn is the Chair of the Committee and has been meeting every Friday with JP to go over the 10-year plan and how to implement it. JP attended a statewide ACHS meeting and learned from Department of Commerce that there will be a new template soon for this plan. The overall goal is to get more housing. They had a productive meeting last week as Carolyn invited a Key Bank representative to meet with them. They plan to meet possibly in May with many stakeholders to discuss affordable low-income housing. Commissioner Stamper stated the County is at a record number of issued permits. One idea is to cluster housing in areas with green spaces. There is currently a 0% vacancy rate in Lewis County. They discussed the idea of how to work with other County agencies better. This would be on the Comprehensive Plan and it would be good to review. NEW ISSUES • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: o #1 – Lewis County Property – W. Reynolds, Centralia – Almost finished with the planned work and tomorrow they will cap off the well that was discovered when cleaning up. The new septic system for Reliable Enterprises is within 50 feet of this well so it is most likely unusable. The property is barricaded off with a cable. They scraped off a lot of material surface but there could be some petroleum contamination there. Commissioner Stamper asked whether it would be better to keep the property. The decision has not yet been made about what to do with the property of approximately 2.5 acres yet. All parties on all sides of the property have expressed interest in this property. It cost a little over $100,000 to clean it up. o #2 – Wyatt, Calvin – 175 Blue Rd., Centralia – This is an old case we spent abatement money on. Bill asked the PAO to keep active on these liens of approximately $35,000 and would like to move forward on foreclosing on the property of around five acres. Approximately 10 years ago, cars and other items were removed and it is now clean. No one lives there and nothing is going on with the property so this would be a good time to get something done with it. Commissioner Fund agreed to check on the property. Decision: Bill will get the parcel number and talk to the PAO to see best course to take. o #3 – SBM, LLC, 170 Gershick Rd., Silver Creek – Commissioner Stamper asked about this at the last update. Bill reported there are people living on the property in cargo containers. The property is owned by Larry Howard. o Commissioner Fund asked about the code case across from the old Bonagofsky property on Harrison Avenue. Bill replied that they have moved a good amount of debris/stuff from there. o #4 – Deck, Leilani, US Hwy 12, Mossyrock – They are moving more RVs in there. Bill will start citing them and let the judge handle it. Last summer Commissioner Stamper said three to four people were living under the bridge and DOT kicked them out. o #5 – Crowell, Patricia – 275 Coulson Rd., Chehalis – FYI, this is an unpermitted RV park. People there have told Bill they do not live there. Bill has cited her in District Court. They have an illegal access off the County road leading to the back of the property. o #6 – Hadaller, Jacob – 238 Birley Rd., Mossyrock – He has many German Shepherds and is now a permitted kennel. The dogs occasionally bark and he has taken reasonable steps to prevent that. An owner of a possibly unpermitted BNB is upset that we will not do anything to quiet the dogs. Bill brought up the BNB website to show the Commissioners the location. The Sheriff’s Office wrote him 10-20 citations for dogs barking in the past before he became a kennel. o Commissioner Stamper asked about a resident who lives in Toledo and has problems with neighbors shooting. Bill informed him (Bob Reed) we do not have a noise ordinance. The Sheriff’s Office has also been down there. Bill explained if it is zoned, “no shooting”, we can do something, otherwise, if he is just shooting in an unsafe manner, he will have to get the sheriff involved. o Commissioner Stamper asked if Bill knew about people living under the Galvin Bridge. A man was taking garbage from there and Bill responded the County did not have to get involved. o Bill reported that Hayes Lake has a big camp far back on the property. Last summer there was a big fire on the premises so there is now a lot of charred trees. The property is between a river and a lake and has garbage in the back. Bill would like it cleaned up and opened for walking trails with good visibility. Steve Ward is aware of it and it would require a permit to turn it into walking trails. • Youth Marijuana Prevention & Education Program/Tobacco & Vaping Prevention fund casual help – Danette & JP Discussion: Casey has been working on this program in addition to her CPWI workload. Since it adds a lot of extra work to Casey’s already full load, the Department is asking for a casual person through June 30 at a rate above the causal help grade. This would provide 12 weeks to get the project completed. PHSS would like to hire Abrielle Sheets to work three days a week to begin on April 9, which will be before the resolution can be approved. Danette asked the Commissioners for their approval and they both agreed. Abrielle will focus mainly on students and getting signage placed in restaurants and parks. Both marijuana and tobacco prevention programs are regional. Funding is by CHOICE for marijuana education and Thurston County for Tobacco education. Both programs are in the budget. Decision: A resolution will be submitted to hire Abrielle Sheets as a casual for 12 weeks at $20.37 per hour. • National Conference on Behavioral Health attendance – Danette Discussion: Danette reminded the Commissioners that she was chosen to be a part of the Public Health Cohort #3 and will attend classes and the national conference in Washington DC from April 21 through April 25. She will be on vacation afterwards through April 30. The Behavioral Health Council is paying for Danette to attend. BOH ISSUES The next BOH will be held on Monday, April 9, at 1:30 pm o Approve Resolution 040918.1 Consolidated Contract Amendment #1 A Motion was made to move Resolution 040918.1 to the April Board of Health by Commissioner Stamper. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion approved 2-1. GOOD OF THE ORDER • Police Department in Morton is taking over Teen Center – Danette/JP Discussion: Casey has been involved in this with Chief Morningstar. Danette received an email from him but is not sure if this is the same as Americorps. Some funds for the teen center were provided by Americorps. Chief Morningstar wondered if we would be interested in funding the Center as in the past. Commissioner Stamper stated he would rather see the $12,000 in funds go to something else such as Americorps workers. Decision: Danette will inform Commissioners what is currently funded since it comes from Current Expense. • BHO – Danette/JP Discussion: BHO sent letters about CJTA funds to their members. The County needs to get a copy of that letter to see what they are planning as the County has first right of refusal for that money which is about $68,000. The court may need these funds as in the past.