2018-04-10 and 04-11 CD MinutesY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\04 - April 2 - May 4\Week of April 9\2018-04-10 and 04-11 CD Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update April 10 at 9:00am1 April 11 at 10:00am Department: Community Development Present 4/10/18: Lee Napier, Graham Gowing, Fred Evander, Commissioner Fund (exited @ 9:10, reenter @ 9:20, re-exit @ 9:57), Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Planning Division a. Update Comprehensive Plan and Critical Area Ordinance Fred informed the BOCC the critical areas ordinance will be proposed to the Planning Commission tonight (4/10/18) and the Comprehensive Plan will be addressed by the Commission in May. The Comp Plan will be presented to the BOCC after the recommendation is made by the Planning Commission. Lee explained the vast majority of rezones are included in the Comp Plan. It was mentioned the “Hirst Decision” delayed the Comp Plan amendments. The Planning Commission will be reviewing mixed uses in Lewis County to simplify and clarify regulations. b. Code Revision-Simple Segregations Fred gave an explanation of what simple segregations are. They were intended to provide an easy way to divide property. Commissioner Stamper offered an example of a simple segregation. Fred explained reviews still need to be done with simple segs, but they are done at a different stage as a typical land division. Commissioner Stamper asked if the County could require an agreement with the land owner regarding road access. Lee explained the large lot process in place accomplishes that. The Planning Commission will begin a conversation about simple segs at tonight’s (4/10/18) meeting. Commissioner Jackson asked how long the process is for the Planning Commission to make a recommendation. Fred said it is fairly quick and simple. Lee informed the BOCC if changes are made, Community Development will begin outreach to the public. Commissioner Stamper would like to know what the Planning Commission’s thoughts are about simple segs. 2. Interlocal Agreements a. Chehalis 1 Items not covered on April 10th will be covered on April 11th. CD will contact Becky Butler. Lee will contact Sheri Huber and Jim Ashe. Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\04 - April 2 - May 4\Week of April 9\2018-04-10 and 04-11 CD Minutes.docx Lee informed the BOCC the details have been finalized. Chehalis has placed the ILA on the Council’s agenda. If/when the City Council adopts the ILA, Lee will put it on the County’s agenda for consideration by the BOCC soon after. The transition of duties details are being worked through. Open communication and an open dialogue will be paramount. 3. Permit Center a. Monthly Report Graham presented the monthly permit report. Revenues have increased from 2017. Graham also indicated phone calls and customers have spiked from 2017, as well. The Community Development Department is still working on processes to streamline and identify efficiencies and waste in the permitting process. Present 4/11/18: Lee Napier, Graham Gowing, Doyle Sanford, Linda Williams, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper (exit 10:01, enter 10:19), Commissioner Jackson (exit 10:16, re-enter 10:26, re-exit 10:40) Note Taker: Graham Gowing b. Adept screen Lee discussed the Adept permit processing system. With the adoption of ESSB 6091, there are new State reporting requirements. A potential additional screen in the Adept system would allow for effective and accurate reporting. There is a cost associated with the addition of the new screen. The state mandated fees will help offset this cost. The BOCC agrees to move forward with the purchase. 4. Successional Planning staff and facilities a. Airport Systems Manager Lee reminded the BOCC Larry Mason will be retiring. Lee discussed posting the vacant position. Lee asked if about a month of “overlap” would be allowable for training purposes. The Airport Systems Manager’s salary was briefly discussed. The BOCC confirmed about a month of “overlap” was ok. Commissioner Stamper inquired as to when the Toledo project will begin. Lee indicated it should begin this month. b. Permit Review Staff Lee continued on about successional planning. Lee asked the thoughts of adding an additional planner to staff. Commissioner Stamper asked if the permit techs can issue permits over the counter. Doyle spoke about building requirements for certain structures. The BOCC would like additional information on budget impact. Community Development will contact Becky Butler concerning potential budget impact. Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\04 - April 2 - May 4\Week of April 9\2018-04-10 and 04-11 CD Minutes.docx 5. Access Review Lee and Doyle presented the BOCC with a draft memo and draft form regarding road standards on existing private roads. The memo is intended to be distributed to the district fire chiefs. The BOCC wants to move forward with implementing the access review form. Commissioner Stamper asked if the county can change road standards/fill and grade thresholds or if it is state mandated. Commissioner Fund would like to add an email address to the form. Lee will call Sheri Huber and Jim Ashe about their recent frustration with permitting. 6. Questions about DAHP Not addressed 7. Follow up from prior meetings a. Commissioner Stamper-communication with Donnie Steele. Not addressed 8. Harmony Park RV Not addressed 9. Customer Communication Not addressed Topics for next monthly update currently scheduled for May 8 2018 Actions to be requested: Input and possible action on items 1, 4, and 5.