2018-04-10 LCSOa S F 1 ,134 N r o'} Lewis County Sheriff's Office Board of County Commissioners Update 4/10/18 Agenda Special Services Bureau: Chief Deputy Dustin G.Breen a. Detective Division activity Dki 3 i _ i l r I Ca /1_ pry . b. Civil/Records Division activity c. Training(Firearms Safety) '34.D CL,it 411c46 +int..5a6nLact 1,4 PAPS ' tL24.1-14- d. Staffing L.L.O'"StAL.• II. Corrections Bureau: Chief Deputy Chris J. Sweet I - y a. Jail activity `k1 4 we&C^' d"t "` " Ls b. Great Rivers BHO t' c. Staffing III. Field Operations Bureau: Chief Deputy Bruce F.Kimsey a. Patrol Division activity b. Sheriff's Enforcement Team(SET)activity- Lau16,1k kl tai 2 moo,.,.I?+.e cy c. Staffing c.1 Audi t2 1-0110 S.nwr,ct IV. General Discussion: Sheriff Robert R. Snaza a. Budget-2018 LCSO/Jail(16.6%) Budgeted YTD Spent Balance Percent Used LCSO-$7,742,982 $1,178,868 $6,564,114 15.2% Jail-$7,677,230 $1,124,329 $6,552,900 14.6% b. Upcoming Events(Traffic Safety BanquetNolunteer Recognition/etc.) nd D Start Time: ADDS End Time: `hO Zvit'' Lt 'b &AI? A ' 5b Attendees: /Commissioner Fund Sheriff Snaza Other: _ y/Z4vCommissionerJacksonv6ndersheriffRethwill Commissioner Stamper vqief Deputy Breen E frft-re -cl' r''' 3 re Chief Deputy Kimsey %Chief Deputy Sweet L )61 rQ C-aa e " Gaptoia-Si ttapawea- Public Safety through Professional Service" 2018 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS KILLED This is a graphic presentation of data regarding line-of-duty deaths,both felonious and accidental,collected from law enforcement agencies across the 1116,! ^': United States and U.S.territories by the FBI's Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Program.This preliminary information is provided for officer safety studies,training,and other initiatives.The data are also published annually in the Low Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaultedpublication. Law Enforcement Officers Killed Officers Feloniously Killed: Weapons Used by Offenders 25 20 Officers 1 Officer wasFeloniously 21 were killed with firearms killed with a vehicle zo Li Accidentally 9 Handguns is 2 Rifles kiis1Shotgun 10 S Not reported 10 9 5 !, Officers Feloniously Killed: Circumstance Encountered Upon Arrival at Scene of Incident a 10 Investigative/enforcement 2018 to date 2017 same time 7 Tactical situation Law EnforcementOfficers Killed 2018 to date 2017 same time 1 Drug-related matter Feloniously 21 9 1 Investigative activity Accidentally 10 is 1 Investigate suspicious person/circumstance 5 Ambush (entrapment/premeditation) Officers Accidentally Killed: Type of Accident/ 3 Pursuit Call for Service or Reason for Involvement 2 Foot Motor vehicle crash (car/truck/SIN) 1 Vehicular Patrol 1 Assist another law enforcement officer—Foot pursuit Assisting another law enforcement officer 1 Disorder/disturbance—Domestic violence Investigative/enforcement 1 Respond to crime in progress—Assault Pursuit Officers Feloniously Killed: Location of Firearm Wounds Training 5 Front head Neck/throat Other (en route to training) 2 Front upper torso/chest Rear head Pedestrian officer struck by vehicle (assisting citizen) 1 Side head Not reported Drowning(patrol) W Officers Feloniously and Accidentally Killed: By Region S WEST'1 NORTHEAST L ti p Feloniously Killed: 1 Feloniously Killed: 5 I, \ r Accidentally Killed:2 Accidentally Killed: 1 Feloniou ly Killed. x Accident- • ••: 1 r fj a OUTH 7 4,p004„ elonio'sly illed.8 PUERTO RICO__,,,,,,, tally Killed.6 Feloniously Killed: 1 Accidentally Killed:0 1 r As of March 31,2018 Coo a \ m a Di / / e \ { = -0 00 a \ o m 2 E a » \ G § n n 0 al' pftii ` e M \ S } sae mom a) 0 n fp H m 0 DJ a .Q g t Z. VI K c I) q ai 2 z oI ; R \ \ J / } 52 EC /I in - @rD \ \ } \ T 2 o 0 . Z 3 o -0 s oi / { i i 2 { E # 4 ) § j a e fj / g- a - / = o _ \ o g0Q02 g 0 _ \ f \ t E Tk / } < 2 7 } \ i \ a k< 9 11; jC4 n0 0 -. 0 f ] z & J f \ [ / & ( tn a. \ \ \ 7 m , 0- CU 0.41 ro CU cra k Q 2 1 2 \ 2 ! -`. 4 ' 7 E__ } } ® J 7n C CUUo tA c Z o 0 02 # k tri t