2018-05-01 Meeting to discuss Tacoma PowerMeeting to discuss Tacoma Power May 1, 2018 3:04 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Rodney Reynolds, Ross Petersen, Dianne Dorey, Becky Butler, Arny Davis, Steve Walton Guest: Jordan Naillon of The Chronicle Recorder: Rieva Lester City of Tacoma was late with its payment. The City of Tacoma noted that the CPI used in the agreement no longer exists. Becky said the question is whether the payments would stop until a new agreement is reached. Ross Petersen said it’s surprising that the agreement has not yet been updated. He said it looks as though Tacoma Power has not followed through with some of the items in the agreement, such as the radio improvements. Ross said he believes payment would be halted during a renegotiation. Ross noted a stalemate would result in arbitration after 150 days. Ross said negotiations wouldn’t negate payment, rather it would put it on hold. Ross briefly discussed a 2004 MOU. Arny Davis discussed the PILT and asked if the state would then assess the properties if the Arny said he’d like to see parameters on dates and time. He cautioned that negotiations will be intense. Ross said the state Auditor’s Office would get involved after 90 days. Ross suggested booking the 150-day arbitration out ahead of time. Becky Butler discussed the need to negotiate a better CPI or annual increase. Dianne said Tacoma City Light has not addressed the marina and other items in the agreement. Ross said other items Tacoma Power hasn’t addressed includes trailheads, water management, mapping, biologists’ work, flood control and conservation. Arny asked if the commissioners would have a committee work on it. The commissioners said they would use a committee. Becky said Glenn Carter had suggested an RFP to have someone else work on a renegotiation. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Rodney Reynolds: Respond via email and ask when Tacoma Power will reach out to the county (and then have Ross Petersen review it). Ross Petersen: Possibly draft a letter, depending on Tacoma Power’s response. Ross said the unaddressed contract items could be viewed as a breach of contract. Arny said he will have Rodney Reynolds draft an email response and have Ross review it. Ross said he can draft a letter if needed. Becky said she would add the discussion as an agenda item for her next update. Meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.