2018-06-04 PHSS Minutes Update BOCC Update Minutes June 4, 2018 Start Time: 2:06 pm End Time: 3:25 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Stamper Bill Teitzel Commissioner Jackson JP Anderson Eric Eisenberg Recorder: Sandi Andrus BUDGET No discussion. ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS • Update on Public Health & Social Services (PHSS) Advisory Board – JP Discussion: The Animal Shelter committee had their meeting this morning. One bequest they have received for approximately $14,000 stated the funds should be used for something new for the dogs. The committee would like to build an additional run or play area specific for large or small dogs. The County built the last run. Decision: This request will go forward. • Teen Center $12,000 Grant – Danette Discussion: Funding that went to Cispus for Americorps came out of Current Expense. Cispus has recently dropped the agreement. White Pass wants to hire one Americorps employee. JP called Serve WA and wondered if anyone still has a contract with them and if they can contract with Serve WA. Casey is checking on using the CPWI funds to hire an Americorps person. This money was originally established for Americorps. Decision: Commissioner Stamper will talk to the principal of White Pass this week and update Danette. NEW ISSUES • Dangerous Dog Code Revision – Danette/Eric Eisenberg Discussion: The Drafted Ordinance was passed out by Eric. Eric explained the changes addressed in this ordinance and its intention to clarify and speed up some of the dangerous dog impounded procedures. If a dog is declared as dangerous and then violates the rules, there is a separate proceeding that may possibly impound the dog. The main improvement will include the first hearing and using a citizen panel. Other items that will be clarified are: Subsection 9: If an animal kills livestock, defining livestock, hearings to label a dog as dangerous, creating a five-member citizen’s panel to hear cases and make decisions regarding declaring a dog dangerous, and address organizations who use the code to govern accepting and selling lost dogs. Appeals would work differently also. The County will have a more expansive appeal with a Hearings Examiner. The appeals cost would be reflective in the $600 listed in the Fees Schedule. Also, euthanasia will be addressed with the owner’s rights and procedures. Currently, if someone appeals, it does not stay the decision of the dog being dangerous. This new Code will be clarified and quicker. We have declared some dogs as dangerous and now they are old and do not pose a danger so we have a proposal to put in a provision to allow the Animal Control Board, based on old age and condition of the dog, to allow that declaration be rescinded. This would also have a fee. Some things are out of date and terminology is unclear so those things will be changed. Some fees will be changed listing the amount but also stating “unless it is specified a different amount,” and some timelines may be changed. Commissioner Jackson left at 2:43. Commissioner Stamper asked if Eric felt there were any areas that may cause controversy. Eric replied that we do not always automatically keep a dangerous dog so it speeds up the time which the dog could be euthanized. Danette added that this has been reviewed and changed and roadblocks have been looked over to try to smooth out. The County would like to get this implemented as soon as possible. Decision: Eric will put it into code form and put it on a Notice of Hearing. • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: o #1 – Deck, Leilani, US Hwy 12, Mossyrock – Some progress on this. o #2 – Munoz, Leo – 583 N. Military Rd., Winlock – Old tire recycler. Gone through the old BOH records and they cleaned it up to satisfactory requirements. Bill does not see where the County can go out there and make them do more cleaning. Smokey looked at it and saw some chips and pieces of tires but no mosquito traps. o #3 – Hadaller, Jacob/Katherine Carroll – Birley Rd., Mossyrock – Mr. Hadaller has a deadline to appeal revocation of his permit by 5:00 today. He has until June 20, to wind down his operation before we take action. The law has been called out to his property and many tickets written. He has violated the terms of the kennel permit. We have sent him a Notice that we would revoke his permit. These are actually two separate issues, Health and Sheriff. Even after we remove his kennel permit, we have to prove he has not followed the laws. His facility has been inspected and there are violations. We could bring a public nuisance action against him but he would still be allowed to have dogs. If he does not pay his violations, which are just civil infractions, it would just go to collections. There are no number of civil actions that can add up to a crime. o #4 – Hahn, Sandra – 125 Rockridge Ln., Toledo – Sandra is the mom of Theresa Hahn who has had past evolvements with ‘puppy mills’ on the property. Sandra did not get a kennel permit; we cited her and it ended up being a criminal offence. She was found guilty in a bench trial and was sentenced to serve jail time with further animal restrictions. Sandra has moved off the property now and Theresa is occupying the property and can now legally own animals again. o #5 – High Valley Home Owner’s Association, Packwood – Received a complaint from an individual and a request from KING 5 News. We do not know anything about any water being shut off to specific properties by the homeowner’s association. Bill spoke to Judy, the manager of the homeowner’s association. o #6 – Raven Investments, LLC – 1817 N. Tower, Centralia – This is a failing septic system which serves a very small lot. The owner did not respond to the citation so Bill cited him weekly until he finally responded. o Other items discussed: - Jeanie Reynolds on Pleasant Valley Road, Mineral – The Group B system rules state if you install a public water system after the code was approved, the owner has to have an SMA but Jeanie does not feel she should have one because of her limited operation. The County is giving her 30 days to get squared away. She may call the Commissioners. Bill has a voice mail from her to check when he returns to the office. - Larry Howard’s son contacted Bill and he feels he is on the right track regarding occupied cargo containers off of Gershich Rd, Silver Creek. Eric left at 3:00 • CAC Update – JP Discussion: Commissioner Jackson recently requested an update on CAC here and at the BOH. It was decided that the updates would be given at the BOCC Update and not the BOH. JP gave a report stating he met with the CEO, John Walsh, and his Director of Family Services to discuss the different programs, how their funds are dispersed, and how they could support what our County does. We are looking at getting more resources in our County. Lewis County is spread out and services can be difficult to access. Discussed CAC feelings about resources in Lewis County and Homeless Connects and what can be done to improve it. Commissioner Jackson returned at 3:09 • County Administrator’s Role with Board of Health – Danette Discussion: Dr. Wood and Danette will need to have access to the Commissioners when they are representing the BOH. Decision: Commissioners will explain to new County Manager. BOH ISSUES Review Board of Health agenda for June 11, 2018. No consent items right now. o A presentation will be given by JP, Casey Peters, and Abrielle Sheets. GOOD OF THE ORDER • Thurston County has hired an NFP nurse for Lewis – Danette Discussion: A new bilingual NFP nurse has been hired and will be here next week. • Homeless Connect Summer – Danette Discussion: In the past, Lewis County has contracted with Housing Resource Center to be the lead for the Homeless Connect but we will become the lead to plan the event. We may contract out to other agencies to get the count taken. Invoices for incentive items may come before the Board. • Chronicle Article – Danette Discussion: Natalie, from The Chronicle, asked if we would have a monthly standing column. We need to get it in by the 14th of the month so she can edit and get it in the paper. This is in addition to Dr. Wood’s column. • Open Arms – Danette Discussion: Chandra contacted Meredith Jones and will bring in the permit application. They are still serving food.