2018-07-03 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update July 3, 2018 10:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson (by phone), Graham Gowing, Tim Fife, Danette York, Wayne Whiton, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Archie Smith, Steve Wohld Recorder: Rieva Lester Tim Fife discussed a call for sealed bids for the East Lewis County Transfer Station Improvements, Project No. RESWEL. He said the chutes have broken the concrete. Tim Fife discussed a call for sealed bids for the Lewis County Central Transfer Station Repairs, Project No. RESWCT. He said the floor will be repaired. Tim Fife discussed the proposed acquisition of additional right of way for Snyder Road, Packwood. Tim said the area was damaged during the 2015 flood. Tim Fife discussed a resolution approving the County Engineer to sign Applicant Resolution/Authorization between Lewis County and the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) for grant funded fish passage and enhancement projects in which funds are administered by RCO. He said the grant includes the Frase Creek, Scammon Creek, King Creek, Middle Fork Newaukum areas. Tim asked if the commissioners want to hear about every grant for which Public Works applies. Becky Butler suggested addressing grants during regular updates instead. Commissioner Fund asked Tim to review the grant application approval process with the Prosecutor’s Office. Tim Fife discussed a resolution rejecting all bids for the Stearns Creek Tributary Culvert Replacement Project, County Maintenance Project (CMP) 1603. Tim Fife discussed a hearing to approve a franchise to Puget Sound Energy Inc., to replace their existing franchise, to construct, operate and maintain water mains and cathodic protection cables in Lewis County road rights of way. He said the franchise is for the water return lines. Becky Butler discussed a hearing for the 2nd 2018 Budget Amendment for Current Expense and Other Funds. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move two (2) Notice items, two (2) Consent items, three (3) Deliberation items and two (2) Hearings to the Monday BOCC agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Held: The appointment of members to the Lewis County Board of Equalization (BOE). Roundtable Graham Gowing said burn restrictions are in place. Tim Fife said chip seal work has begun at Paradise. He said pre-con work at Coal Creek and Jackson Highway. Danette York said the WIC clinic has changed hours. She said the immunization clinic will close in August. She said she and Dr. Wood are providing guest columns. Wayne Whiton said he is working on written policies. Becky said budget worksheets will go out Monday and will be due Aug. 13. Steve Walton discussed his hiring process. Archie Smith discussed the recent Janus ruling. Wayne said the county Risk Pool has talked to an attorney regarding drafting a white paper on the matter. He said employees with questions should be directed to HR. Steve Wohld discussed cybersecurity. Meeting adjourned at 11 a.m.