2018-07-10 CD MinutesY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\07 - July 2 - Aug. 3\Week of July 9\2018-07-10 CD Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update July 10, 2018 at 9:00am Department: Community Development Present: Lee Napier, Graham Gowing, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper (in 9:02), Ross Petersen, Wayne Whiton Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Airport a. Facilities i. Leased Hangars-South County Lee informed the BoCC she presented hangars’ condition concerns to the Airport Advisory Board as requested by the Board. The BoCC group browsed pictures of the open t-hangers, again. Wayne believes the roof may also be failing, in addition to the wood posts. Commissioner Stamper indicated he would like to see ‘something’ put back in the place of the open t-hangars if they are indeed demolished. He asked if the leases could be altered to include design/structure/maintenance standards. That appears to be a possibility. Ross indicated the leases at the Toledo Airport are much less expensive than other facilities. The Board agreed to send a lease termination letter for the Rocky Hangar and work on a draft for the open t-hangars. The Board would like the open t-hangar ‘residents’ to be able to remain tenants until further notice. Replacement structures will be discussed. Commissioner Stamper would like a concrete plan prior to demolition of the open t-hangars. Options about a controlled burn of the Rocky Hangar for fire department training will be explored by Ross. ii. Packwood Hangar and ground Lee indicated Mr. Floe is open to the idea of leasing space at Packwood. Commissioner Stamper thought requiring one year of retro payment would be reasonable. Discussions will continue with Mr. Floe. b. Airport Manager -Ross will contact his FD about training fire -Graham will work with Rieva on posting job on FB Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\07 - July 2 - Aug. 3\Week of July 9\2018-07-10 CD Minutes.docx The Airport Manager position has been posted, with the first review of applications Friday, July 13. Graham will work with Rieva about posting a notice on the BoCC Facebook page. c. Construction update Notice to proceed has not been issued. The County is waiting on a reactivation of the wetland permit from Ecology and Corps. 2. Permit Center- a. Monthly report Graham presented the monthly permit/revenue report. b. Impact WA-Process Improvement Report Out Lee spoke about the ‘up front’ planning review process and showed the Board the updates/improvements to the Community Development website. 3. Planning Division a. No report 4. Building Division a. Update regarding LCC 15.15 b. Code revision LCC 15.30 5. Code Concerns 6. Public Comments 7. Follow up from prior meetings a. Eagle Cliff mine-no report Topics for next monthly update possible scheduled for August 14th Actions to be requested: Input with possible action on items 1