2018-09-04 Update with Erik MartinUpdate with Erik Martin September 4, 2018 3:00 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Erik Martin, and Alex Brown Recorder: Candace Hallom • Sponsorships- Lewis County Shriners ad. The BOCC will pay for ad out of their own pockets • Packwood Senior Center- Gary updated Erik on the dispute between the Packwood Senior Center and the Packwood Community Center. There needs to be discussion with the site leaders. • 911- Erik briefed the BOCC on last week’s meeting. Erik said Dennis Dawes told the County that they want to move forward with an executive board allowing them a voice in the dispatch center. The group would like an answer within two weeks. Gary asked if they offered a plan. Erik stated Jill Anderson. Commissioner Jackson spoke about the prior week’s meeting. He was disappointed in what was presented and how it was presented. Erik “Does the Board want to take action to respond to Mayor Dawes within the two weeks (September 12th). Commissioner Stamper would like to see the stats on the calls? What are the smaller districts paying? Commissioner Jackson recommended letting the Mayor know that we are willing to keep discussions open but we need more time look into this. Erik will draft a letter for the BOCC to look at. Commissioner Fund asked if the cities study prompted this. Erik in the ILA there are two more studies that need to be done. • Budget Meeting Schedule Commissioner Jackson will not be available on the 13th for a budget meeting. Move the October 9th meeting to the 2:30 pm. • Potential Levee Tour dates • Meeting with Judges Commissioner Fund contacted district court hoping to set up a meeting. She mentioned that she would like more information and talking points for the legislative roundtable. • Signature Authority There is a Resolution authorizing Erik signature authority on certain accounts. • Calendars Erik explained that he is working on calendar setting specific times for meetings. • Calendar- add Office of the Chehalis Basin to the wrap-up Meeting ended at 4:00 p.m.