2018-10-15 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update October 15, 2018 11:03 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget: Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Stamper said to use the commissioners’ budget to pay the Washington University library for a book on freeholders ordered by the PA’s Office. Skookumchuck wind energy: Erik Martin said the draft EIS is “good to go” and that the next step is to publish it. Community Development update: Erik said Karen Witherspoon is moving and that there has been a request to allow her to work remotely. He said another option would be to hire Karen on contractual basis as a consultant for special projects. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson said they would only want to allow the position to work remotely for a short time. Erik said Josh Metcalf would work with Lee Napier and Dave Campbell on the airport transition. PFD: Erik said the PFD’s construction agreement appears vague. He said he’s looking for more specificity and commitment. Public Works update: Erik asked Commissioner Jackson to meet with Public Works regarding WATV signage for west side. Commissioner Jackson agreed to do so. Erik discussed a letter of support regarding an EDA application the Port of Chehalis is submitting. The commissioners agreed to sign a letter of support. IT update: Erik said cybersecurity is the focus in IT right now. Risk / HR update: Risk is continuing to work on PDRs. Commissioner Stamper said he has spoken to Derek Bryan at the Risk Pool about his views on restructuring. Facilities update: Erik said CFP is looking for approval to purchase a security panel alarm receiver for $3,700. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson approved. Erik said Facilities is working on the BOCC Hearing Room and the PA’s Office remodel simultaneously. Public Health and Social Services / Code Enforcement update: Erik discussed the county’s recent seizure of German shepherds. Commissioner Jackson left at 11:43 a.m. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Lara: Set up meeting with Commissioner Jackson, WSU Director Gary Fredricks and Cowlitz County Commissioner Dennis Weber 911: Erik said he attended a Combined User meeting the previous week. Commissioner Jackson returned at 11:45 a.m. Erik discussed two studies identified in the Emergency Services interlocal agreement: one for infrastructure and the other for needs for a possible 911 center. Erik said he’d like to attach timelines to the two studies. Erik said the 911 manager position is being rescored. Strategic planning: Erik asked if the county would be interested in having a consultant help work on the strategic plan to allow for an objective, outside view. Meeting ended at noon.