2017-01-04 Directors UpdateDirectors Update January 4, 2017 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Tawni Clark, Karen Witherspoon, Daleyn Coleman, Doug Carey, Danette York, Archie Smith, Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Steve Mansfield, Carma Oaksmith, Paulette Young (by phone), Steve Wohld. Guests: Susan DeLaire, Linda Williams, Pete Caster, Harry Bhagwandin, job shadow Garrett Wyrick, Aaron Kunkler (joined at 9:29 a.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Fund talked about a proclamation for National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Becky Butler discussed a Notice of Hearing for the fifth 2016 Budget Amendment. Erik Martin discussed a call for sealed bids for the Rebid Highway 603 Stabilization project. Erik discussed the proposed vacation of a portion of Highway 603 right of way. Commissioner Fund and Rieva Lester discussed the LTAC contracts. Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to change the mileage reimbursement for 2017. Daleyn Coleman discussed a contract for Rachael Tiller, who was selected as the Defender of the Day. The group discussed an agreement with Consolidate Food Management for Jail Food Services. Tawni Shepherd left at 9:15 a.m. Carma Oaksmith discussed the cancellation of accounts receivable invoices. Becky Butler discussed a resolution to approve a grant with the state Military Department for Homeland Security. Steve Mansfield discussed a resolution to approve a grant with the state Military Department for a performance grant. He discussed previous grants that were used to create brochures, etc. Karen Witherspoon discussed a resolution to approve the appointment for five positions for the Toledo and Packwood Airport Board. Karen Witherspoon discussed a resolution to approve the appointment of CJ Neer to the Planning Commission. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to approve delegating authority. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to approve the purchase of two excavators. He said two old machines will be traded in. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to approve the sale of two surplus vehicles. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to approve 2017 road construction projects. Aaron Kunkler joined the meeting at 9:29 a.m. Erik Martin discussed a hearing to approve a franchise with the Toledo Telephone Co. Commissioner Fund made a motion to approve 1 (one) Proclamation, 3 (three) Notices, 14 (fourteen) Consent item and 1 (one) Hearing for the Jan. 9, 2017, BOCC meeting. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Roundtable Karen Witherspoon said Community Development is continuing the permit improvement process. Commissioner Stamper asked for samples of those changes. Erik Martin said a technical advisory meeting is planned for the month’s end, and he said an update on Borst Avenue would be given at the Centralia City Council meeting. Danette York discussed an ongoing flu epidemic, which has caused nine deaths nationwide. She also said a pop-up boutique is planned for 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday, with all proceeds going to Homeless Connect. She said the Homeless Connect count is planned for Jan. 26. Danette also discussed an increase in funds for veterans’ relief services. She said she now has two openings for nurses. Steve Wohld introduced his job shadow, Centralia High School senior Garrett Wyrick. Steve said Discover Lewis County received another grant for kiosks. One will be placed at the outlets, he said. Commissioner Fund said any single outlet store outpaces all Centralia downtown businesses. Pete Caster and Daleyn Coleman left the meeting (time unclear). The group discussed the vast growth of tourism, especially in the east county. They discussed the $150,000 increase in LTAC money, which represents one-tenth of 1 percent of just lodging in unincorporated areas of the county. Steve Wohld discussed the transition from the old finance system to the new one. He discussed updates to the tech handbook. He said the new parcel site is up and running. He said it’s all public record. He also said he plans to attend the upcoming meeting in Packwood. He also encouraged the group to use the News and Announcements tab on the county home page. Steve Mansfield said finishing touches are being made on the emergency plan, which must be updated every five years. He said training classes will be offered. He said one big change will be the EOC, which will now be a Field Operations Center. Paulette Young said Tawni will be out the second week of January. Paulette said she would return during Tawni’s absence. Paulette discussed recent newspaper coverage and said she wanted a heads up if any department is fielding complaints regarding safety and / or health field. The group discussed the inaccuracy of the recent story Paulette was addressing. She talked about the media picking and choosing what they wanted to report, citing a report the newspaper was given that showed no mold. Doug Carey said work is underway in the Health department. He said Roof Doctor has been contacted about the roof. Becky Butler said the elevator is working. She said the 2016 cleanup amendment is planned for the end of January. She said 2016 sales tax is up. Becky said Cheryl Millman has been promoted to 911. Carma Oaksmith gave a brief update. Archie Smith said he planned to have a draft of HR updates by mid-January. He said the travel policy also will be updated. Erik Martin requested a searchable PDF. Commissioner Fund talked about the previous night’s Onalaska Alliancee meeting. She said Onalaska has 58 to 60 percent free and reduced lunches. The group talked about apprenticeship programs. Daleyn Coleman returned at 10:29 a.m. Commissioner Jackson complimented the group and said he is excited about what the future holds. Linda Williams said she was shocked by what she read in the paper about mold in 911, so she visited the area herself and found that there was no validity to the statements made about poor working conditions. Harry Bhagwandin said he is ready to submit a grant application for Phase II of agri-tourism. Meeting ended at 10:37 a.m.