2017-02-08 Discussion with RiskDiscussion with Risk
February 8, 2017
12:12 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Paulette Young (by
phone), Rob Snaza (by phone), Candy Hallom
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Paulette Young said she had discussed with Glenn Carter the upcoming planned protest. She said the
suggestion would be to have deputies posted inside the various buildings.
Paulette said she would send an email regarding the planned protest.
Rob Snaza said he has spoken to the Chehalis Police Department, which has jurisdiction. Paulette asked
if the county should ask Chehalis to have a presence in the courthouse and the health building.
Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, and Rob Snaza left the meeting at 12:21 p.m.
Meeting ended at 12:22 p.m.