2017-04-12 IT Mid-April Minutes 4/12/17 IT Director’s mid-Monthly Update 3:30 pm Attendees: Steve Wohld – SW, Gary Stamper - GS, Robert Jackson – BJ Not Present: Edna Fund – EF SW provided background for BJ on how IT Services had been assigned the oversight of Spillman in February of 2016 when problems within e911 Services reached a tipping point. SW explained much of what IT has done since then to stabilize the server/software and user experience. SW discussed the need for finalizing the appointing of the new Spillman Administrator. This position is an administrative, exempt, non-union position. Grade 24. Nathan Knushige has been trying out the position and has proven he is a great fit. His current grade is a 23, so SW asked for permission to proceed with a PAF to reclass his position, since the vacant position was previously filled with a developer in anticipation of this move. SW explained that the promotion would very like move Nathan from a 23C to a 24D and that the annual budget impact would be between $4,000-$5,000. SW explained how he would absorb that increase without intending to raise user rates. Both BJ and GS agreed with this change/reclass, and out of respect, asked SW to follow-up with EF to ensure she didn’t have any questions or concerns. SW told them it had already been through HR and that he’d send it to Budget next. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.