2017-06-19 PA UpdateProsecutor’s Update June 19, 2017 11:00 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Jonathan Meyer, Glenn Carter, Jessica Blye, Janelle Kambich, Daleyn Coleman, Becky Butler, and Archie Smith Guest: Linda Williams Recorder: Candace Hallom Jessica Blye discussed the mental health alternative. She provided statistics of the Mental Health Alternative cost savings. Currently there are 13 participants. Jonathan commended Jessica for what she did with this program. She has really done well at taking the lead with the mental health programs. Jessica left the meeting at 11:00 am. Jonathan stated the Forest Amos lawsuit was dismissed. Glenn discussed the Bonagofski property. We have entered an extension of time for the contractor to complete the work. Jonathan discussed union groups taking over different unions. He would like notification as soon as we are alerted of this. Jonathan stated the Prosecutor’s Office has been given four layoff notices, if the State budget is not passed by June 30th. Jonathan discussed salary negotiations. Commissioners asked that this topic be discussed when Commissioner Stamper is present. The group discussed the conditions of granting county funded defense and indemnification. Commissioner Jackson asked if indemnification can be granted if the crime was in accordance of their job description. The Prosecutor’s Office stated you cannot indemnify in a case of criminal defense. The Prosecutors Office discussed the Legal Assistant reclassification. They are waiting for paperwork from HR. Jonathon stated he would like to come up with another way to create less public records regarding interfund rates. If we could process interfund rates semi-annually, the paperwork and work would be lessened. Becky noted with Munis this should change. The group discussed the Prosecutor Office and Sheriff’s Office PDR admin. Salary and benefits. The Prosecutor is requesting funding for training of the 3D mapping of a crime scenes equipment, which the State Patrol has. It would be important for us to have this at a local level. They have been quoted $15,000. Jonathan spoke with Superior Court about going to electronic discovery. The courts are looking at taking the lead. This would be a major cost savings. Commissioner Jackson moved to approved absorbing 15% of the PDR Officer salary and also $15,000 for the training. Jonathan will speak with the trainer and to see if the cost could be lessened. Meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.