2017-08-02 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update
August 2, 2017
9:01 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper (9:13 a.m.), Steve
Mansfield, Lee Napier, Erik Martin, Meja Handlen, Tawni Shepherd, Steve Wohld, Sheila Gray, Steve
Walton, Becky Butler, Archie Smith, Paulette Young (by phone)
Guests: Linda Williams and Susan DeLaire
Recorder: Rieva Lester
Commissioner Fund discussed a proclamation honoring George Washington, the African American
pioneer who founded Centralia.
Erik Martin discussed a notice for a hearing to transfer of a controlling interest in Astound Broadband,
LLC, which holds a non-exclusive franchise for telecommunication facilities on road rights of way in
Lewis County.
Sheila Gray discussed a resolution approving an Interagency agreement (K2265) between Lewis County
and the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) for the management of invasive knotweed
species and authorizing the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) signature thereon.
Lee Napier discussed a resolution approve an Interlocal Agreement between Lewis County Conservation
District and Lewis County.
Lee Napier discussed a resolution to approve having the director of Community Development sign a
Voluntary Stewardship Program contract.
Lee Napier discussed a resolution to approve Amendment #1 to Interagency Agreement RCO #17-1164
between the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) and Lewis County.
Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to appoint Christopher Vandenberg to the Lewis County Water
Conservancy Board.
Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to appoint Paul Ericson Commissioner to the Lewis County Flood
Control District #1 Board.
Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move 2 (two) presentations, 1 (one) Notice, 2 (two) Consent
items, and 6 (six) Deliberation items to the Monday, Aug. 7, 2017, BOCC agenda.
Commissioner Fund seconded the motion.
Motion passed 3-0.
Steve Mansfield discussed fire concerns linked to the heat wave.
Lee Napier asked about flag compliance. She said she will attend the evening’s fire chief meeting. She
said the fire chiefs are discussing further restrictions on outdoor burning. Lee said some timber
companies are shutting down production due to wildfire fears.
Erik Martin said Public Works is hiring two managers. Erik said an open house for the North Fork project
was held the previous evening.
Meja Handlen said Public Health and Social Services is busy working on budget. She said a National Night
Out event was held the previous night.
Steve Wohld said the quarterly maintenance that took place over the weekend may have triggered
some outages. He discussed the county’s protections against hacking threats.
Sheila Gray said she was in Spokane the previous week. She said pressure gauge testing took place the
previous weekend. She discussed a grant for irrigation system evaluations.
Steve Walton said the fair kicks off Aug. 15. He said the HVAC is running longer to combat the heat.
Becky Butler said the budget deadline is approaching.
Commissioner Jackson said he will attend several meetings by phone the following week.
Commissioner Fund said the commissioners are continuing to explore the Blue Ribbon Task Force’s
recommendation to hire a county manager. Commissioner Stamper discussed the need to balance the
needs of the county with the high costs associated with hiring a county manager. Commissioner
Stamper discussed the need to have the directors and electeds involved in the process.
Lee Napier discussed a resolution to award an Airport contract.
Meeting ended at 10:07 a.m.