2017-08-02 Meeting to Discuss Commercial Vehicle OfficerMeeting to Discuss Commercial Vehicle Officer August 2, 2017 Start time-3:37 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Sheriff Snaza, Erik Martin, Steve Walton, Becky Butler Recorder: Rachel Hunt Commissioner Stamper began the meeting with reading from the WAC. Sheriff Snaza discussed various other counties who receive CRAB funding. He continued by discussing the job duties of the CVO. He said as of August 1st LCSO sent out letters to find out if any current deputies are interested. The group discussed other counties’ levy shifts. Commissioner Fund asked about why a CVO wasn’t hired when the previous officer left. Sheriff Snaza replied it has to do with the current staffing level and how those positions are being allocated throughout the county doing other tasks. Commissioner Stamper asked for clarification on the required commercial vehicle inspections. Erik Martin discussed the changes from when Lewis County had a CVO and the current arrangement. Sheriff Snaza outlined what the current captain’s responsibilities are in relation to road projects. Commissioner Stamper left the meeting at 4:09 p.m. Erik Martin discussed the importance of having a commercial vehicle officer. He said the specific need right now is to prevent people from driving erratically through road projects. The group discussed the budget impact of a CVO. Sheriff Snaza clarified how the jail can’t accept the high risk offenders from other counties specifically Mason county and how this relates to his budget. Commissioner Fund stepped out of the meeting at 4:27 p.m. and reentered 4:31 p.m. The group discussed possible short term solutions until the staffing issues are resolved within the Sheriff’s Office. Meeting ended at 4:35 p.m.