2017-08-04 Meeting to Discuss Burn RestrictionsMeeting to Discuss Burn Restrictions
August 4 ,2017
Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Steve Walton, Steve
Mansfield, Lee Napier
Guests: Chief Kytta, Justyna Tomtas
Recorder: Rachel Hunt
Start time: 1:17 p.m.
Lee Napier began the meeting discussion the current fire restrictions. The new modifications would
restrict any burning that is used without an on/off switch.
Out of 19 districts all the districts with the exception of Morton responded they would like to see added
Commissioner Stamper expressed concern over the possibility of people who have plans to camp this
weekend and would like to see implementation on Monday.
Commissioner Fund asked if Chief Kytta had any comments. He replied his concern is that RFA has been
across the county line several times. He continued by adding that Lewis County does not have the same
resources Thurston County does.
Commissioner Jackson agrees with Commissioner Stamper about implementing the restrictions on
Steve Mansfield said a huge factor is how the message is delivered.
The Board decided to implement to burn restrictions to begin 00:01 Monday August 7th.
Lee asked if the conditions change does she have permission to lift the ban. Commissioner Stamper and
Steve Mansfield said it would have to rain for several days to reduce the high risk.
Meeting ended at 1:44 p.m.