2017-08-14 Meeting with the Senior Center NonMeeting with the Senior Center Non-profit August 14, 2017 Start time- 3:00 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Glenn Carter, Steve Walton, Becky Butler, Doug Carey,Danette York, Larry Unzelman, Col. Ron Averil, Fred Rider, Zora DeGranpre, John Panesko, Jerry Pratt, Allyson Felt Guests: Marie Panesko, Michelle White, Don Bradshaw, Sue Bradshaw, Bill Morris, Justyna Tomtas, Susan DeLaire, Cindy Mund, Bob Bozarth Recorder: Rachel Hunt Commissioner Stamper began the meeting with introductions. Commissioner Stamper continued by thanking the committee for their time and effort on the topic. John Panesko further introduced the committee members outlining their skills and expertise they bring to the board. John outlined points of where the non-profit envisions the senior centers in Lewis County going. John reiterated the non-profit does not know if the new ideas of programs such as gambling and the sale of alcohol will work. He discussed how an abrupt turn-over of the buildings and programs will not be successful. John introduced the idea of a graduated transition of the centers. Doug Carey outlined the direct costs of each of the senior centers. Col. Averil asked for clarification on the numbers in regards to whether or not they were one year past or an average. The numbers previously discussed were for one year past. Doug Carey further clarified how the costs he was discussing is just from a facilities stand point not including the cost of the senior center programs. Commissioner Stamper asked if there is a difference in rates for the County renting buildings out compared to a private company renting buildings. The group discussed the various factors that go into the lease rates. Commissioner Fund asked Glenn Carter to clarify how the County can transfer and gift the buildings to other governmental agencies. Allyson Felt discussed the two prong test for governmental gifting to private entities. Glenn Carter replied that due to the fact that the centers were not differentiating between the poor and infirmed and seniors who could pay for services is where the concern of gifting funds has arisen. The group discussed building ownership. Michelle asked Allyson if the statue addresses whether or not the two prong test differentiates between those that can pay and or not or if the whole operation would be considered gifting. Zora Degrandpre and Fred Rider added how the future of these programs could be viewed as preventative care for seniors. Becky Butler further clarified how it is more expensive for the county facilities department to do the maintenance compared to private companies. John Panesko added the non-profit is currently working on a budget proposal. He continued to discuss how it costs $10.00/meal to provide but that the average amount coming in is $3.00/meal. Danette York added that some of the $7.00 is offset by grant money. Commissioner Stamper reiterated he is committed to seeing a transition succeed. Col. Averil discussed the various added costs that the non-profit would have to pay which the county currently does not such as an independent CPA audit. Commissioner Fund mentioned Centralia College expressing a desire to partner with the non-profit in regards to using the Morton center. The group discussed how the Twin Cities senior center is the anomaly. Fred Rider outlined how there is a need for a change in hours to accommodate new ideas such as bingo. Commissioner Stamper reiterated a need to see a proposal from the non-profit as a starting point. Fred Rider asked the Commissioners what their ultimate goal is for the senior centers. Commissioner Fund reiterated they do not wish to close the senior centers. Glenda Forga discussed how they do not know exactly how many seniors are utilizing the services provided. Commissioner Jackson outlined the need for a phase out of services provided compared to an abrupt change. Don Bradshaw added the need for the senior centers because provide community involvement to individuals who otherwise could become disenfranchised. Meeting ended at 4:12 p.m.