2017-09-05 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up September 5, 2017 1:22 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson Recorder: Rieva Lester Insurance: Commissioner Jackson said he is working on a letter to Washington Counties Insurance Fund. The commissioners discussed insurance coverage at comparable entities. Gore / Leonard Road RVs: Commissioner Fund said residents from the Gore / Leonard Road area came in and spoke to her recently. They said a Winlock man purchased property nearby and appears to be setting up an RV camp. Water Conservancy Board: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, and Commissioner Jackson asked for a resolution appointing Tom Crowson to the Water Conservancy Board. Hank / Tank: The commissioners discussed Hank / Tank and said they would further discuss the matter during the Prosecutor’s Update later in the day. Blue Ribbon Task Force: The commissioners discussed reviewing the Blue Ribbon Task Force’s recommendations as the budget process continues. Budget: The group discussed the advisory group. Calendar: The group discussed the week’s calendar. LTAC: Commissioner Fund discussed increases in the amount of Lodging Tax funds collected. Commissioner Jackson left at 1:58 p.m. Correspondence: Commissioner Fund and Commissioner Stamper discussed a letter regarding the White Pass Scenic Byway and electric cars. Good of the order: None. Meeting ended at 2 p.m.