2017-09-11 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up meeting September 11, 2017 9:01 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Lee Napier, Eric Eisenberg Guest: CJ Neer Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Fund made a motion to add three resolutions – Amendment No. 7 to Interagency Agreement RCO 15-1475, a Joint Funding Agreement with USGS, and appointment of Thomas Crowson to the Water Conservancy Board – to the Monday, September 11, 2017, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Lee Napier discussed the Beaver Glen project. She said Bob Russell has approached the board a couple of times about a proposal about dividing their property. She said they can do “clustering” but not as a four-lot short plat, according to county and state law. It would be a five-lot division of land. Eric Eisenberg said it appears two other subdivisions were approved in similar fashion twice before in the past, but that those were done contrary to the law. Commissioner Jackson asked if it’s Community Development’s responsibility to police this type of work. Eric and Lee said that it is the county’s responsibility to approve or turn down the project. Eric discussed vesting and estoppel. He said it was illegal in 2009 and remains illegal today, so vesting doesn’t apply. He said estoppel doesn’t apply because estoppel doesn’t apply in the land-use context. Commissioner Jackson asked about grandfathering the project in. Lee said the project is not grandfathered in and doesn’t have an agreement with the project. Lee stressed that it would be unethical to intentionally skirt the law. Lee said the developer has another option, it’s just a more expensive option. Lee suggested perhaps waiving the fees associated with the five-lot subdivisions. Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Stamper said they did not want to ask for something that would be contrary to the law. They said they just want to find a solution that will help move the development forward while following the spirit of the law. Eric asked Lee to draft something outlining the fee differences between a short subdivision and a full subdivision. Commissioner Fund discussed the Skookumchuck Wind Energy Project. She said a marbled murrelet was found at the project site. Lee said she is working with Thurston County for the project. She said Thurston County will be the lead on State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Commissioner Fund discussed a TransAlta letter of support. At 9:47 a.m., Commissioner Stamper announced that the Wrap-Up meeting would recess until approximately 10:30 a.m., immediately following the Business Meeting. Meeting recessed at 9:47 a.m. At 11:13 a.m., the meeting resumed with Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Becky Butler, Doug Carey, and Steve Walton in attendance. Commissioner Stamper discussed the need to come up with a plan. Becky said her understanding is that the BOCC is Becky said that in 2009, the board awarded a cash grant to CCS, which was used to pay a rental for the senior center buildings. Doug Carey said the county could sign a five-year lease and as the centers become more self-sufficient, the county payments would eventually stop. Becky said Toledo’s building would have to go back to the city of Toledo. Doug said the county would maintain the normal landlord responsibilities. Becky asked if the county would want the proposed lease to include language about county use of the Twin City building. Doug said 1,500 square feet for WSU would leave 8,500 square feet for the senior center. He said that would lower the rent costs, too. Commissioner Fund suggested having Sheila Gray tour the Twin Cities building with Commissioner Stamper or Commissioner Jackson. Becky discussed setting aside $100,000 for 2018 and setting a scale for the remaining years. Commissioner Jackson joined the meeting at 11:25 a.m. Commissioner Stamper said it appears the county will contribute toward the senior centers in 2018. Becky said the idea would be for the county to provide $100,000 in contributions and the senior centers pay rent of roughly $51,000 along with utilities. Meeting ended at 11:29 a.m.