2017-09-12 Budget mtg - BOCC for 2018Budget meeting with BOCC September 12, 2017 3:45 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper (3:48 p.m.), Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Steve Walton Guests: Justyna Tomtas, Mitch Townsend, Matt Brock, Bill Marshall, Anthony Ahrens, Linda Williams, Recorder: Rieva Lester 2018 prelim budget: Revenue: $615,250, expenditures: $894,297 (includes budget staff); FTEs: 8.25 Revenue review Becky said revenues from solid waste rent goes to the BOCC budget. Expenditure review Becky reviewed the BOCC’s expenditures. She then reviewed the revenues and expenditures for the Budget Office. She said she needs an amendment for the estimated year end. Becky discussed the monies paid to Kim Amrine for her help with public disclosure. Commissioner Jackson said he hopes to work with Rep. Walsh to help reform the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA). Becky said she would meet with the advisory group at 10 a.m. Sept. 22. Linda Williams asked about spotted owl payments. Becky said the money goes to attorney Sue Drummond for her services. Questions / comments Bill Marshall asked about the company that had discussed developing in the area. Commissioner Fund said federal highways, DOT, and the city of Centralia are in discussions about the requests Fred Meyer has made. Commissioner Fund discussed work on the North County Industrial Access. Matt Brock discussed cars the sheriff’s office uses for PIT training. Becky said there is a $1.2 million gap between projected expenditures and revenues. Commissioner Jackson lauded Larry Grove’s efforts to create a rainy day fund, which Lewis County can use during its lean times. Becky said tough decisions early on have helped the county stay afloat. Commissioner Jackson discussed the dam proposal, which he said commissioners are pushing forward with despite the lack of a capital budget at the state level. Linda Williams asked if the county has considered dropping WSU Extension. Becky said the county portion of WSU Extension for 2018 is estimated at $230,880. Becky said it is not a mandate. She said the RCW says “the county may.” Bill Marshall said he likes the idea of building sharing regarding the senior center. Becky said $100,000 is earmarked in the budget for transitioning the senior centers. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Fund said they view a move to the fairgrounds as an opportunity. Meeting adjourned at 4:33 p.m.