2017-11-01 Meeting with Budget DepartmentBudget meeting November 1, 2017 3:05 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Steve Walton Guests: Justyna Tomtas, Anthony Ahrens, Matt Brock Recorder: Rieva Lester and Becky Butler Becky Butler said Dianne Dorey provided a recap of the topics she had discussed with the Board. Becky discussed the steps the Assessor’s Office has taken to capture new construction within the county as well as in the cities. She also discussed upcoming changes to FMLA that could further complicate coverage during times medical leave is taken. Steve Walton discussed the training needed to reach the appraiser IV position. Becky said contingency language could be included. Anthony Ahrens asked how long the training takes. Becky said full accreditation would take roughly four years. She said that was why Dianne Dorey had initially asked for funding to hire someone who already had gone through the training. Commissioner Stamper said he had concerns about the position. Becky said other factors beyond new construction must be weighed, including the fact that Dianne is denying leave, performing work herself, and that morale also suffers. Commissioner Fund said it’s not a luxury for cities to turn in their permits, it’s mandated by law. She said she’d like to know what is being done to tell the cities they need to turn those permits in. The group discussed the training needs for new hires in the Assessor’s Office. Commissioner Jackson said the same problem of missed deadlines could take place in 2018. Becky said her understanding is that state law doesn’t require the new construction to be picked up but that revals are required. Dianne and Marci Miess joined the meeting at 3:50 p.m. Commissioner Stamper asked Dianne if the new position would mean new construction would get picked up. FOLLOW UP Lease agreement with finalized lease amount Utilities list from Facilities Complete agreement for $100,000 contribution Dianne said there have been problems getting the permit information from the cities. She said Change Finder has helped identify new construction. Dianne said a larger staff would allow for the reval deadline to be made and then allow for all of the new construction to be picked up. Becky asked if permit information – such as when appraisers discover an owner has performed work without a permit – is shared with Community Development. Dianne said the information is available if anyone asks for it but that her office doesn’t generally “police” properties. Commissioner Jackson asked if the new position would allow the Assessor’s Office to pick up more new construction. Dianne said she believed it would. She said she would be willing to provide quarterly updates to the board. Dianne said the more rural areas aren’t as forthcoming with permitting information. She said she will be attending the Nov. 3 Mayors’ Meeting to discuss the needs regarding permits. Commissioner Fund asked what the county would see with the addition of a new position. Commissioner Jackson, Dianne and Marci left at 4:23 p.m. Commissioner Jackson returned at 4:26 p.m. Becky said the county could hire a consultant to review the organizational structure, possibly finding efficiencies. She said Erik Martin recently hired a consultant to review organizational structure for roughly $7,500. Commissioner Jackson said his view on the possibility of a county manager has changed. Becky said a consultant could review the BOCC structures and identify the various changes the county has seen. She said she read case studies that looked at restructuring, finding savings, etc. Danette York and former Commissioner Ron Averill joined the meeting at 4:39 p.m. The commissioners said they would further discuss the Assessor’s request on Nov. 6 and the county manager position on Nov. 8. Danette said she and Ron Averill estimated what the cost would be to provide funding for Nutrition. She said Nutrition would need $17,168 and Enrichment would need $111,418 to make their budgets balance in 2018. Becky said the law allows the county to rent facilities at a lower rate to nonprofits that help the poor and infirm. Ron said the senior centers need to reach out to citizens and to also make sure its visitors know what the Nutrition meals cost. He said the city of Toledo doesn’t want the senior center building back. The group discussed federal withholding, Social Security, etc. Rieva Lester left at 5:10 p.m. The group discussed lease options and a timeline for the lease as well as concerns about utility transfer costs, especially for the Twin City Center, which is connected to the Fairgrounds. Ron asked Steve and Doug to provide utility transfer information so the groups could move forward on transferring utilities. Becky stated staff was working on it. Becky asked if the direction from the Board was to move forward with the $100,000 for 2018. The commissioners stated they would like to move forward with that agreement. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move forward with a $100,000 contribution to cover the lease costs, utilities and start-up Nutrition program costs for the Lewis County Seniors’ Nutrition program, with an opener for additional funding for nutritional program costs during the 2018 budget year if needed. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Ron discussed concerns with start-up costs. Meeting adjourned at 5:39 p.m.