2017-11-06 Update with Health BOCC Update Minutes November 6, 2017 Start Time: 2:00 pm End Time: 3:07 pm Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York (by Conference Phone) Commissioner Stamper (by Conference Phone) Bill Teitzel Commissioner Jackson JP Anderson Recorder: Sandi Andrus BUDGET • 2018 Fees by Danette Discussion: Danette gave an estimated amount of raising fees for water, food, and septic. If increases are approved, this will save Current Expense from contributing approximately $20,000 to cover the Department’s costs. Decision: Danette will send fees to Community Development to include in the resolution for 2018. ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS • Nurse Family Partnership Decision - Danette Discussion: PHSS is waiting to hear back from Thurston County. Danette received Thurston County’s Indirect plan which she forwarded to Becky. The only option if we choose not to do the Thurston Contract is to attempt to continue with one nurse in Lewis County and keep the supervision contract with Thurston but that is not likely to be approved by the NFP National Service Office. Commissioner Fund sent a text to Becky to see what she thought about the Indirect Plan from Thurston County during the Update. Becky replied saying she has not had time to review it yet. David Fine is drafting a contract to be ready when Danette returns. GOOD OF THE ORDER • Danette applied for the 3rd Cohort of National Council for Behavioral Health training and technical assistance which was approved. This will last approximately nine months and allow Danette to attend webinars and the national conference. Travel and conference costs will be paid for by the council. • Commissioner Stamper asked if WIC and Immunizations programs are going to continue. Danette replied that she was unaware if decisions have been made yet. She explained that the Immunizations Program will be eliminated at the end of September 2018 when Jane Sheldon, Public Health Nurse retires. We also need a transition period to convince providers to give children shots. Commissioner Fund sent Becky a text to see how much money we are talking about for Jane to retire next September. JP added that on July 1, the part of Jane’s job that includes vaccine monitoring for local providers is going regional. Danette explained that we have two different programs regarding vaccines, the shot clinic which will close when Jane retires and the program to work with providers who give shots. We are vying to be the lead on the regional program if it pays for itself 100%. Commissioner Stamper shared his concern about keeping the clinic open just to wait for someone to retire. Danette explained that we are keeping the clinic open as long as we have a nurse which will be through September 30, 2018. When Jane leaves, it would be a good time to close it because that would give us time to work with our local providers to transition the program out to the community. Danette explained that Jane works .8 FTE. Two days a week we have shots in our clinic. The other two days Jane works with providers who give vaccines. She does all the ordering, educates them on any changes, monitors and provides oversight of their programs regarding storing correctly, having proper temperatures, refrigeration, and back-up systems for any childhood vaccines. That requirement will still be in place through June 30, 2018 whether we have a shot clinic or not. If we were to close the shot clinic now it would not eliminate Jane’s position only reduce the number of hours she works. She would still need to be here to perform the vaccine grant deliverables and respond to TB cases. Danette stated she feels we should not eliminate the WIC program. That would not save any money as we would still have to pay facilities and other interfund costs and our internal indirect costs. Danette signed off at 2:35 NEW ISSUES • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases (handout) – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: o #1 – Lewis County Property – W. Reynolds, Centralia – Bonagofski. Collecting scrap metal is almost completed. The fence that was up has been stolen so we will try to get it replaced. Someone is now interested in the scrap wood. We may have to put it out to a roster bid. Bill feels we need to reserve some of the abatement fund which currently has approximately $175,000. He suggested the possibility of using some county resources in the future. o #2 – Joel Properties (Mayfield RV Park) – 2914 US Hwy 12, Silver Creek – Bill talked to Community Development (CD) but they have not contacted the owner to replace the bathhouse. The owner told Bill he would get a permit to replace the bathroom. CD will send out a letter. Commissioner Stamper stated he counted 26 trailers on the map. Bill feels he can ask for help from DOH. Decision: Bill will draw out a new count then run it past Sue, DOH, and our planning department. o #3 – Ethel Event Center – 1457 US Hwy 12, Ethel – Bill talked to Heather and told her he is willing to waive the application process. CD will schedule a meeting. Decision: Notify Commissioner Stamper when the meeting is scheduled. o #4 – Peterson Estates, 144 Skylark Lane, Toledo – There is a platted development going in and there are Group B wells on the property. Of the two new wells, one has failed due to bacteria. The Engineers need to fix the well but have not done so. One owner was allowed to finish building his house relying on the fact that the well would be fixed. This owner now has this house but cannot change his construction loan to a home loan and is upset at the County even though it is the engineer’s responsibility. Before it is approved for final occupancy, this well needs to be fixed. There have been others who applied for building permits but the County won’t issue any more until the wells are approved. The Commissioners may receive complaints about this. We have documentation as to what we have done and the reasons. o #5 – Bragg, 572 Brim Rd., Onalaska – A dog mauled a PUD worker a couple months ago. The property was not gated and a German Shepherd attacked him when he went to the front door. We went through a Hearing and the Thurston County Examiner came down and ruled he was not a dangerous dog. PUD may be vocal about this and we may have some liabilities. Bill suggested the Commissioners contact the Hearing Examiner to inquire as to why she decided this way. The PUD business manager may request an appeal. o #6 – Littering – Multiple Locations Winlock through Adna – Many litterings in this area. Every place Bill found the litter, it had mail with Mr. Piccolo’s name on it. Bill cited him for all the incidences. Bill gave him four days to pick up the litter and talked to him twice about it but he did not pick it up. o #7 – Foreclosed property – 1203 Salzer Valley Rd. – Abandoned property. Someone dumped tons of garbage in there and Bill found addresses in there from other foreclosed properties. Bill instructed the guy to go back and pick up the garbage. He may have contracted with someone to take it to the dump which did not happen. Commissioner Stamper asked about a property in Toledo – Bill took pictures of it on Friday and spoke to Eric Eisenburg about it today. He needs to cite him but doesn’t know what else he can do. Toledo called Bill about it on Wednesday. Decision: Commissioner Stamper will let him know we are working on it. • Senior Flu Shots Completed Discussion: Many people work on this project to make it a success. Flu clinics were held in each of the six senior centers. 116 flu shots were given with Packwood having the highest turnout numbers. JP read the email that Ed Mund sent summarizing the clinics. • Housing RFP • Discussion: 2163 are funds we receive in the housing program that come from fees associated with document filing fees. The RFP and contracts originating from the RFP are done on one-year cycles. An RFP went out last week requesting specifics from the applicants. We should receive questions by tomorrow and review applications after December 1st. We will have an Ad hoc committee reviewing the proposals. The needs of the clients seem to be for mostly high utilizers. We want to address these needs but we also do not want people with fewer needs to get frustrated. Sometimes it is hard to find a landlord to rent to them once they have received their rent vouchers. 2163 has a lot of money in it right now but in terms of development, it is not much. The County has an opportunity to take a leadership position in development. BOH ISSUES The BOH scheduled for November 13 is canceled.