2017-11-08 BOCC PW Individual Update MinutesLewis County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Update November 8, 2017 Present: Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Commissioner Gary Stamper, Commissioner Edna Fund, Erik Martin, Director; Tim Fife, County Engineer; Timothy Murphy, Fleet Services Manager, Lara Seiler, recorder Start 10:45 am ADMINISTRATION Budget- Final budgets will be submitted this week. The projected roads fund balance will be 3.1 million at the end of 2018. Erik said we would like to be in the 3.5-4.0 million range for a fund balance. He also noted there are no large construction projects next year. Traffic Diversion- Erik noted he sent an email to Derek Pohle at CRAB noting the steps that will be taken to correct the diversion issue. The thought is to collect data from the Sheriff and then pay for the services. Tim Fife is working with the Sheriff on the data and he noted that the Sheriff keeps track of time on timecards. They are currently working on an hourly rate and average of everyone's time in Traffic enforcement. Tim is also working with Fleet to get hourly rate on the vehicles. In order to be compliant roads needs to adopt a resolution that indicates how much money will be transferred. Part of the resolution is an agreement with the board and the Sheriff as this is an elected Office. The resolution lays out expectations and will also require an MOU. Tim is currently working on these issues. Recruitments- The Assistant County Engineer position will be posted through November 15th. Asst Area Supervisor- Erik noted that there are 4 or 5 internal candidates that have applied for this position. Evergreen Forest Contract-Robert Weidner- Currently roads pays Robert Weidner $12,500 a year to lobby for Secure Rural Schools funding. Commissioner Stamper noted that Robert would like an increase to $15k but if the money does not come through for the county so does Roberts contract. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS WATV- Erik is currently working with Eric Eisenberg on a WATV ordinance. Onalaska School Zone- The Onalaska School District would like cross walks and speed limit signs. Tim Fife and Jack visited the site and there are crossing guards but will speak with the Superintendent concerning their needs. Traffic Control Supervisor- Matt Mohney has taken the position of Traffic Control Supervisor. MAINTENANCE Chip Seal- Erik noted he is keeping this program at its planned level of service intact for now. FLEET Striper order- Tim Murphy noted he received a price today for the striper and the cost is already in the 2107 budget. New vehicle purchase bid- Tim Murphy has been looking into vehicle pricing for Sheriff’s Dept. Once the vehicles are received, there are additional costs to add extras such as light bars and also the cost of in house labor. 2016 Explorers $40K per vehicle and Ford came back with a price of $44,557, which included packages the Sheriff wanted. These packages will save money in the long run as less after-market parts and labor will not be needed to prepare these vehicles for service. In 2016 the pickups were around $36k a piece. Once they were priced with the items the Sheriff wanted added, Ford came back in the $44-$45K price range. In 2016, $17k was spent on parts and labor in house for 2 pickups. Again, a cost savings will be realized with the packages the Sheriff is requesting. These vehicles will be put out to an open bid process. There is a $26k overall increase over the 6 Sheriff vehicles that will be purchased in 2018. This expense was put into the budget for 2018 for expenditures but not the rates. The extra will come out of Sheriff’s fund balance. Tim discussed the bid proposal process with the board. Employee tool insurance- Tim Murphy noted that the mechanics were under the impression that their tools would not insured by the county if they were to be stolen. Tim has spoken to the Risk Department and they are in fact covered. He will have the mechanics do an inventory of their tools which is required to get the coverage. REAL ESTATE PSE Franchise negotiations- Meeting scheduled for tomorrow. Jackson Hwy Culvert ROW- Erik and Tim noted they have spoken with three citizens who are not in favor of the project. The county needed more survey information and needed right of way entry on the property. The project is scheduled for 2018 construction but could be pushed to ’19 based on ROW negotiations. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION Project Updates Tim gave updates on the following projects: Hwy 603, Hwy Safety Grant, North Fork Rd, Jackson Hwy. North Lewis County Industrial Access- There will be a meeting with the executive steering committee at the Public Services building Thursday, Nov 30th at 1:00pm. Erik handed out copies of the Transportation Improvement Plan for 2018-2023. SOLID WASTE Host Fee Agreement- The proposed host fee agreement takes the current percentage rate to a flat fee. A proposal is being sent to Rob Hill at the City of Centralia. If they do not accept the offer it may go to mediation. VADER WATER Reservoir Project- The reservoir project is on track. Rates- Erik noted that we proceed with the rate change and he and Betsy have spoken with the Mayor. GOOD OF THE ORDER Ended 11:31 am