2020-01-21 Budget updateBudget update January 21, 2020 3:32 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Chief Chris Sweet, Alison Puckett, John Abplanalp Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler said there are two pending requests to use funds from the one-tenth of 1 percent funding: one from Juvenile and another from the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office. Becky Butler said $258,000 already was in the budget. Alison Puckett discussed moving to the juvenile detention center a student success navigator position that had been housed at a local high school. Chief Chris Sweet discussed positions lost to now-defunct BHO block grants. He requested the board approve using the one-tenth of 1 percent funding to pay for one FTE and to cover $40,000 for the transition officer. Becky noted that the requests would take up roughly $220,000. She said the money would be used to maintain services provided in 2019. Becky asked Chief Sweet to map out the programs and funding sources at the jail for the commissioners. The commissioners approved the change the funding mechanism. Chief Sweet, Alison and John Abplanalp left at 3:51 p.m. Becky and the commissioners reviewed a draft 2020 agreement with the Lewis County Seniors for senior nutrition programs. Commissioner Stamper voiced frustration with LMTAAA regarding geographics related to Meals on Wheels for the east end. Becky said the county is giving the seniors $50,000 at the first of the year and that the group can request an additional $50,000 with supporting documentation. Becky noted that the group is spending more than $100,000 on food annually. Becky noted that the Seniors group must file Form 990 annually and that the document includes information about the thrift store. The commissioners authorized Becky to approve Lodging Tax Advisory Committee reimbursement requests. Becky outlined the 2020-21 budget calendar. She outlined possible recommendations for the group. The board authorized Becky to work with Matt Matayoshi to revamp the Distressed Counties policies. Becky said the Treasurer’s Office has completed reconciliations through June 2019. Becky said an OpenGov demo is planned for the end of February. Commissioner Fund left at 4:26 p.m. Steve Wohld discussed negotiating with Scott Blinks for use of the county’s old radio site as the county prepares the new site. Erik directed Steve to revamp the existing contract and ask the PA’s Office to review it. Meeting adjourned 4:38 p.m.