2020-01-13 Quarterly Meeting with Lewis County Seniors BoardQuarterly Meeting with Lewis County Seniors Board January 13, 2020 2:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Chris Rust, Glenda Forga, Ron Averill, Carol Brock, Judy Barr, Fred Wilson, Fred Norman Guests: Frank Corbin and Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Ron Averill and Glenda Forga provided updates on the Lewis County Seniors Board. Ron noted that centers are asked to provide their own funding for the enrichment programs. Ron discussed the group’s: • 2019 and 2020 budgets for nutrition program • 2019 and 2020 budgets for enrichment • Planned energy audits • Funding for nutrition • The per-meal cost of the senior nutrition meals: $10 • AAA’s per-meal contribution toward senior nutrition: $3.71 • Grant requests submitted to the city of Chehalis • Winlock’s donations to cover water/sewer costs • Morton’s donations to cover water/sewer costs • Supply costs Commissioner Stamper urged the seniors group to attend an upcoming Packwood meting to encourage residents in the east end to participate in the center’s activities. Ron said the group is not getting enough additional funding to allow for expansion. Ron said the group served 35,169 meals in 2019. Glenda noted that the Packwood senior center is being closed one day a week. Ron and Glenda said the group was unhappy with the time it took to receive the second half of the county’s contribution. Becky Butler noted that the agreement states the money will be provided after the Seniors Board submits a written request with supporting documentation. Ron said the Seniors Board has concerns about the language in the proposed contract, noting that the language should be limited to the county’s contributions to the Senior Nutrition program. Ron said the group also has concerns about language indicated that the group will be a self-sustaining entity by the end of the year. Glenda and Ron said the group is self-sustaining and that it relies on contributions from the county and area cities. Meeting adjourned at 3:34 p.m., as Commissioner Fund left. The remaining members of the group stayed and discussed the language in the draft agreement. Commissioner Stamper said he does not think the county will ever stop contributing to the Lewis County Seniors Board. Commissioner Stamper said he will attend an upcoming meeting with the Lewis Mason Thurston Area Agency on Aging (LMTAAA) to discuss funding. Glenda and Carol Brock noted that the LMTAAA is auditing the group’s financials. Meeting adjourned at 3:43 p.m.