2020-01-13 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager January 13, 2020 11:04 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Lee Napier, JP Anderson, Josh Metcalf, Steve Mansfield, Steve Wohld, Andy Caldwell Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock, rank Corbin Recorder: Rieva Lester Director goals Lee Napier discussed her 2020 goals for Community Development, including continuing process improvement, reducing redundancies, eliminating unnecessary steps, etc. JP Anderson discussed his 2020 goals for Public Health and Social Services, including completing the Community Health Assessment, navigating the transition with Great Rivers, making progress regarding housing, increasing budgeting capacity and developing a culture of growth and understanding. Josh Metcalf discussed his 2020 goals for Public Works, including developing a vision for the airport and completing a Solid Waste feasibility study to set a five-year outlook. Josh said he also is looking to improve efficiencies in day-to-day operations, including grant reporting, accounting and project delivery; and developing the department’s relationship with emergency management. Steve Mansfield discussed his 2020 goals for the Department of Emergency Services, including succession and transition planning, noting that the department is disbanding. He said is focusing on providing training, continuing to work on policies and procedures, continuing work on standards of discipline and continuing to develop partnerships. Erik Martin outlined his goals, including completing the strategic plan process and completing the county’s reorganization. The commissioners thanked the directors for their work. Erik said he has Personnel Authorization Forms (PAFs) for the new positions created through the county’s ongoing reorganization. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to allow the County Manager to sign the PAFs related to the recent reorganization. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Josh Metcalf said District 5 approved the payment of invoices the previous week and is starting to go into the red. He said District 5 is discharging three to four times its normal amount into the District 2 system due to a possible leak. Josh said two of District 5’s three commissioners are in agreement with the county’s offer. He said he has requested a special meeting with the district to review the county’s offer. Erik said Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) funding appears to be the best option for purchasing District 5. Josh said he would meet with Commerce and Ecology on Jan. 21 to discuss funding possibilities. Josh discussed recent and planned meetings regarding the North Lewis County Interchange. He said funding isn’t available until 2025 and that construction funding isn’t available until 2030. Andy Caldwell provided an update on the Pe Ell water situation. Andy said the state Department of Health will meet with the group on Jan. 15. Steve Mansfield said the county helped Pe Ell secure funding for a solution in 2017 but that the fixes were not implemented. Steve Mansfield said the group needs to review the Chehalis Ridge radio equipment project, as bids for the project came in higher than anticipated. Steve noted that the county is the only entity paying for the infrastructure. He said is awaiting results of the infrastructure study. Meeting ended at 12:06 p.m.