2020-02-06 Budget UpdateBudget Update February 6, 2020 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Eric Eisenberg, Becky Butler, Fred Rider, Ron Averill, Glenda Forga Guest: Frank Corbin Recorder: Rieva Lester The group reviewed the proposed contract between Lewis County and the Lewis County Seniors group. The commissioners, Eric Eisenberg and Becky Butler clarified language in the proposed contract. Fred Rider, Ron Averill and Glenda Forga said they were in support of the agreement as presented – with enrichment included – and would share it with the Lewis County Seniors board later in the day. Glenda, Ron and Fred left at 9:43 a.m. Eric left at 9:48 a.m. Becky reviewed the calendar for all-day budget meetings (Oct. 8, 14 and 22). Becky discussed the need to schedule a capital plan meeting. Becky discussed contracts for indigent defense. She said the District Court indigent defense attorneys fall under the BOCC. She said the attorneys have not had an increase since 2008. She said Erik Martin is working with the group to negotiate a proposal to review in the budget process for 2021. Becky said a 2019 year-end report is expected to be wrapped up by the end of February. Becky said she and Erik are developing a quarterly budget update to provide for the public’s benefit during the BOCC Business Meeting. Becky said there are no 2019 budget amendments as of yet. Meeting adjourned at 10:27 a.m.