2020-02-18 Update with Weed and WSUUpdate with Weed and WSU February 18, 2020 10:31 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Gary Fredricks, Bill Wamsley, Melissa Davis of Snap-Ed Recorder: Rieva Lester Bill Wamsley said the Weed board has two nominees for reappointment to the Weed board. Bill discussed noxious weed legislation before the Senate and House as well as upcoming educational programs, including a weed and pest workshop and a Valley Ag. Grower meeting. Bill said he would send an electronic copy of upcoming programs so the BOCC can share them via Facebook. Bill noted that the new weed assessment provides funding for the educational programs. Bill left at 10:38 a.m. Gary Fredricks said the transfer to an interim director likely will happen in April. He said area high school art classes have agreed to install the WSU logo. Gary said he is trying to find someone to create a sign for the center. Melissa Davis of Snap-Ed said the group is reestablishing contacts with the Salvation Army. She discussed programs and demonstrations the group has been involved in as well as work with area schools. Gary said the WSU employees have been informed that they will cease to be county employees effective April 15. He said WSU has the proposed MOU and that the hiring process for the positions moving under WSU will take place after the MOU is signed. Meeting ended at 10:50 a.m.