2020-02-20 BOEMeeting with BOE February 20, 2020 ATTENDEES: Commissioner Edna J. Fund, Commissioner Gary Stamper (via conf. call), Commissioner Jackson, Johnny Dunnagan, Tom Crowson, and Russ Wigley Recorder: Candace Hallom Start Time: 4:00 p.m. Commissioner Fund discussed a request to move the appeal deadline date from 60-day to 30-day. Russ Wigley stated he doesn’t feel that a 30-day compared to a 60-day is much different but has heard good things from the public about the change to the 60- day appeal deadline. Tom Crowson would like to defer to the Clerk of the BOE. The Clerk is impacted the most by the deadline date. Johnny Dunnagan stated that the 60-day deadline gives more time for citizens to work with realtors. He feel this is better for the realtors and citizens to continue the 60-day appeal deadline. Candace Hallom feels that the 60-day deadline is easier on her workload because citizens have more time to work with the Assessor with resolving their issues. The BOCC feels that there is no need to change the appeal deadline. BOCC asked Candace to draft a memo to the Assessor notifying that there will be no change. Gary Stamper left the meeting at 4:27 pm The BOE discussed miscellaneous issues with the BOCC. End time: 4:36 p.m.