2020-02-24 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up February 24, 2020 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, County Manager Erik Martin (9:13 a.m.), Candy Hallom (around 9:35 a.m.), Cullen Gatten (9:42 a.m.) Guest: Peter Lahmann Recorder: Rieva Lester The commissioners approved minutes for the weeks of Feb. 3 and Feb. 3, 2020. The commissioners signed thank you letters to area lawmakers. The commissioners agreed to use up to $1,800 in historic preservation funds to purchase a frame for a historic map. The commissioners directed Rieva Lester to take the steps necessary to fill the District 2 Salary Commission vacancy. Commissioner Fund discussed unfunded mandates and other matters the state Legislature is addressing. County Manager Erik Martin joined at 9:13 a.m. The commissioners discussed whether to allow prayers to open their public meetings. The commissioners discussed inviting David Woodrum to attend the Monday, May 4, 2020, BOCC Business Meeting to give public comment during the week of the National Day of Prayer. Candy Hallom joined around 9:35 a.m. Commissioner Fund discussed her discussions with Lisa Goodman of Benaroya, who praised the county’s permitting process as well as the county’s help identifying attractions in the area. The group discussed the Mickelsen Parkway project, including the possibility of the county helping with or taking over the permitting process in response to departures in Winlock’s planning department. Commissioner Fund discussed a proposal to create a bike trail that loops around Pe Ell and Boistfort. Cullen Gatten joined at 9:42 a.m. Commissioner Fund further discussed bills, etc., the state Legislature is considering. Commissioner Stamper discussed a recent Timber Counties meeting WSAC. Josh Metcalf joined at 9:51 a.m. The commissioners denied the Assessor’s request to change the Board of Equalization appeal deadline to 30 days instead of 60. The commissioners discussed their calendars. Meeting ended at 9:55 a.m.