2020-03-04 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update March 4, 2020 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Josh Metcalf, JP Anderson, Scott Smitherman, Doug Carey, Lara McRea, Steve Walton, Tamara Hayes, Gary Fredricks, Lee Napier Guest: Colton Dodgson, Linda Williams, Frank Corbin, Jon Ladd Recorder: Rieva Lester Doug Carey discussed a request for Qualifications for Architectural and Engineering Services for Capital Facilities Plan projects. Josh Metcalf discussed a call for bids for one passenger van for Lewis County Motor Pool. Josh Metcalf discussed a call for bids for one or more compact SUV. Josh Metcalf discussed a call for bids for one or more sub- compact SUV. Josh Metcalf discussed call for bids (Re-Bid after zero bids received from Resolution 20-028) for the material purchase of a precast concrete slab/girder bridge (Cousins Rd. MP 3.15, CMP 1502). Josh Metcalf discussed a call for bids for one Cargo Van for the Lewis County Animal Shelter. Doug Carey discussed a resolution to award the contract for roof replacement of Central Shop to The Roof Doctor of Chehalis. Doug Carey discussed a resolution to award contract to Olympic Roofing to remove and replace the Health building roof. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to list the bid(s) received and contractor selected for one new self- propelled sweeper. Commissioner Fund made a motion to move six Notice items, two Consent items, and three Deliberation items to the Monday, March 9, 2020, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Rieva Lester: Schedule a meeting with Mary Kay Nelson and to ask her to provide mark- ups of the proposed signs and a list identifying which seven panels will be replaced. The commissioners said they’d like to have a proclamation celebrating April as County Government Month on April 6. Tamara Hayes discussed an “I am Lewis County” campaign to highlight some of the area’s history, happenings and offerings. Gary Fredricks discussed the transition of employees from county leadership to WSU leadership. He said he would check with the WSU contracts department later in the day. Lee Napier discussed a send-off for a planner. Steve Wohld discussed preventive efforts for the coronavirus. He also discussed a recent change in county lawn care. Steve said repairs to the courthouse continue. Steve said the jail elevator has been repaired. JP Anderson discussed the county’s response to the widespread coronavirus. Doug Carey also discussed the county’s proactive coronavirus response. Lara McRea invited the group that March 9 is the last day to fill out the Strategic Plan survey. Steve Walton said the group will be interviewing five candidates for the benefits specialists the following week. Steve said negotiations continue. Erik Martin reminded the group about the rules against campaigning in the courthouse. Commissioner Jackson commended JP and Erik for their work regarding affordable housing. He said he would attend his first state affordable housing committee meeting later in the day. Commissioner Fund said the Mayors’ Meeting will be moved to 9:30 a.m. Friday at the administration building at Centralia College. In response to a question from Linda Williams, JP provided information about the coronavirus. In response to a question from Linda Williams, Lee Napier provided information about setbacks. Everyone except the commissioners, Erik Martin, Steve Walton, Josh Metcalf and Steve Wohld – as well as guests Colton Dodgers, Frank Corbin and Linda Williams – left at 9:49 a.m. Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson and Erik Martin discussed matters before the state Legislature. The commissioners discussed a Historic Preservation grant application Mary Kay Nelson submitted on behalf of the White Pass Scenic Byway. Commissioner Fund she wants the proposed panels to include historic information. She questioned which seven signs would be replaced. The commissioners directed Rieva Lester to schedule a meeting with Mary Kay Nelson and to ask her to provide mark-ups of the proposed signs and a list identifying which seven panels will be replaced. Meeting adjourned at 10:07 a.m.