2020-04-01 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update April 1, 2020 9:04 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund (remotely), County Manager Erik Martin (remotely), Bill Wamsley, Becky Butler, John Abplanalp, Daleyn Coleman, Steve Wohld, Candy Hallom, Kevin McDowell (remotely), Josh Metcalf (remotely), Eric Eisenberg (remotely), Steve Walton (remotely), Amber Smith (remotely), Matt Jaeger (remotely), Janelle Lindsey (remotely), Cullen Gatten (remotely), Gary Fredricks (remotely), Matt Patana (remotely), Scott Smitherman (remotely), Lara McRea (remotely), Doug Carey (remotely), Jonathan Meyer (remotely), Lee Napier (remotely), Tamara Hayes (remotely) Guests: Various members of the public and press (remotely) Recorder: Rieva Lester Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution approving certain vehicles and equipment as surplus county property and notice of intent to sell. Becky Butler discussed a resolution related to Lewis County’s 2020 budget emergency and supplemental appropriations to and transfers within current expense and various funds, notice of hearing thereon. Commissioner Stamper briefly discussed publishing the Small Works Roster for Lewis County and appointing the Public Works Director as approving authority for category changes. Commissioner Stamper briefly discussed the proposed acquisition of additional right of way for King Road MP 5.31, Winlock. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution approving a lease agreement between Washington State Department of Transportation and Lewis County for the right of way to a pedestrian trail. The commissioners asked Josh to add a map. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to list the bids received and contractor selected for the material purchase of a precast reinforced concrete split box culvert for future installation. He said the county received one bid for the project. Scott Smitherman discussed a resolution approving an agreement between Lewis County and Energy Northwest for telecommunications equipment at the Surge Tank at the Packwood Lake Hydroelectric facility and authorizing signatures thereon. Becky Butler and Gary Fredricks discussed a resolution approving a Memorandum of Agreement between Lewis County and Washington State University Extension. Commissioner Fund, Becky Butler and John Abplanalp discussed a resolution to approve Professional Services Contract between Lewis County and ESD 113. Commissioner Stamper discussed a resolution to appoint Ross Petersen to the Lewis County Public Facilities District (PFD) Board of Directors. Commissioner Stamper and Becky Butler discussed a resolution to approve a contract for Public Defender Indigent Defense Services between Lewis County and Rachael Tiller, Defender for the Day. Jonathan Meyer noted that the Defender of the Day works five hours per day and will be making more than full-time employees. Commissioner Fund noted that the position does not include benefits. Rieva Lester discussed a resolution to list the bids received and newspaper selected for Lewis County legal printing for July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021. Jonathan Meyer discussed an employment agreement between Lewis County and Janelle Kambich for Consulting Office-Management and Technical Services. Daleyn Coleman said she has spoken to Eric Eisenberg about possibly paying Janelle Kambich as a casual employee. Jonathan said he would prefer a contract arrangement at $50 per hour. The commissioners asked to meet with Jonathan to further discuss the topic the following day. Commissioner Fund made a motion to move three notice items, two consent items 10 deliberation items to the Monday, April 6, 2020, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Stamper seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Lee Napier said Community Development employees are working remotely. The commissioners directed Lee and Rieva Lester to draft a letter to Gov. Inslee requesting that he list residential construction as an essential service. Josh Metcalf discussed social distancing measures taking place throughout Public Works. He noted that residents are being encouraged to use curbside garbage services. He noted that Lewis County is seeing an increase in garbage collection at the Transfer Station because Thurston County has closed its services to the public. Steve Walton discussed remote operations. He said HR likely will be updating its COVID-19 policy. Matt Jaeger said IT will switch to a staggered schedule. He said the county has more than 100 employees using remote services, such as VPN. Matt Patana said Facilities has four employees out due to injuries or COVID-19 concerns. Doug Carey said the county has received a stop work order for its historic courthouse grant work. He said the county currently has no such projects taking place. Steve Wohld thanked IT services for their efforts during the pandemic. Tamara Hayes noted that Discover Lewis County’s tourism grant projects have been placed on hold due to the pandemic. Daleyn Coleman said she is developing an FAQ regarding policies related to COVID-19. John Abplanalp said continuation of operations plans are working smoothly for Public Health and Social Services. Becky Butler discussed the federal CARES Act and its financial impact locally. Erik Martin discussed the need to address the building closures and future meeting plans. He noted the closures were scheduled to sunset on April 3. Amber Smith discussed the OPMA as it applies to hearings. Scott Smitherman said Steve Mansfield’s last day is April 3. Meeting ended at 10:14 a.m.