2020-03-18 COVID-19COVID-19 update March 18, 2020 4:04 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Jonathan Meyer, Becky Butler, Andy Caldwell, Amber Smith, Steve Wohld Guests: Various county employees and various members of the public and press Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin outlined details of a message being sent to the public and press. It addressed: • Nonpharmaceutical interventions. • The need to avoid groups of 10 or more. He noted that you can be symptom-free but contagious. • Testing. • Seniors and the medically vulnerable need to reach out to others for help. Andy Caldwell said Lewis County and Twin Transit are working on an MOU regarding transportation. Andy said Lewis County and the EDC, specifically Matt Matayoshi, are working on spreading the word about recovery options. Becky Butler said the Budget Office continues to work on financials and tracking related to COVID-19. Becky said she also is working with Public Works on FEMA funding. Jonathan Meyer said he anticipates the issuance of an order from the State Supreme Court to shut down the courts, with a few exceptions. He discussed work to avoid in-person contact with inmates. Jonathan discussed alternative staffing. Steve Wohld said the county continues to modify how it provides services. He discussed Zoom video conferences and Bridge phone services. Erik recommended the commissioners amend their agenda to include a discussion about Resolution 20- 101. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to agenda the meeting agenda to consider Resolution 20-101. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Commissioner Fund made a motion to approve Resolution 20-101, as permitted under RCW 42.30.070. Commissioner Jackson seconded. The commissioners discussed the wording of the resolution. Motion passed 3-0. Joe Clark discussed Twin Transit’s efforts to deliver meals to students and seniors. Commissioner Jackson left at 4:41 p.m. Joe continued describing Twin Transit’s efforts to help with seniors and students as well as Twin Transit’s efforts to cover transportation lapses in response to LEWIS Mountain Highway Transit’s two- week shutdown. Commissioner Fund discussed the impacts of COVID-19 on tourism. Commissioner Jackson returned at 4:47 p.m. Becky Butler said Tammy Martin is drafting a memo regarding tourism reimbursements. She said the area’s lodging tax recipients will be informed that any unused funding will roll over to the following year. Commissioner Jackson said he has reached out to Winlock, Napavine, Toledo and Pe Ell about their COVID-19 responses. Meeting adjourned at 4:51 p.m.