2020-04-08 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update April 8, 2020 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund (remotely), Commissioner Jackson (remotely), County Manager Erik Martin, Doug Carey, Josh Metcalf, JP Anderson, Becky Butler, Eric Eisenberg, Tamara Hayes (remotely), Daleyn Coleman (remotely), Gary Fredricks (remotely), Steve Walton (remotely), Matt Jaeger (remotely), Lee Napier (remotely), Lara McRea (remotely), Janelle Lindsey (remotely), Casey Mauermann (remotely), Jonathan Meyer (remotely), Candace Hallom Guests: Frank Corbin and others (remotely) Recorder: Rieva Lester Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to approve and accept a deed from Shirley P. Robinson to Lewis County for donation of property located off Klickitat Creek Road near Mossyrock. Josh said there was no charge for the property, though the county paid the property taxes, which totaled less than $40. Matt Jaeger discussed a resolution to authorize the Director of IT Services to execute the renewal of a 3- year Enterprise Agreement with En Pointe, a Washington-state contracted reseller for Microsoft Corporation licenses. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution to list the bids received and contractors selected for the Jackson Highway South culvert project. Josh said the county received several bids and that Midway Underground of Toledo was the apparent low bidder. Josh said three or four bids were lower than the engineer’s estimate. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to extend the local declaration of state of emergency in response to the detection of the COVID-19 virus in Lewis County. Eric Eisenberg recommended following up with an additional resolution noting the end of the state of emergency once the COVID-19 threat passes. Erik Martin discussed a resolution to readjust county operations during the COVID-19 pandemic (building closures). Commissioner Fund made a motion to move two consent items and five deliberation items to the Monday, April 13, 2020, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-0. Eric Eisenberg discussed the changes to the OPMA during the statewide closure. He said the governor’s order has narrowed the business the commissioners can conduct to either COVID-19-related topics OR items that are “necessary and routine.” Eric recommended either announcing what makes a topic necessary and routine or including in each resolution a line about what makes a topic necessary and routine. Commissioner Fund discussed the need for roundtable-style updates. Erik Martin reminded the group to limit discussions to topics that are necessary and routine. Becky Butler reminded the group to include work related to COVID-19 response on time sheets. She said the commissioners will be briefed on work at the fairgrounds later in the day. She said the jail’s new body scanner will be installed later in the day. Becky asked that the county review its insurance policies to see if any money it has spent in response to the pandemic can be recouped. Becky said WSU has indicated that it may ask that the county extend its oversight of WSU employees for 15 days and that WSU has asked for language to be changed in the MOA approved April 6. Becky said Treasurer Arny Davis issued a press release announcing that the Treasurer’s Office is waiving interest and penalties for 29 days for personal and real property taxes due April 30. Gary Fredricks said WSU is planning gardening workshops. He discussed Commerce’s work to create wifi hotspots at WSU Extension locations. Doug Carey invited any interested parties to help review Capital Facilities Plan RFQs due, which he said are due April 9. Steve Wohld discussed work the county is doing to create housing for the homeless and housing for individuals required to be in isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, which he said the county is required to address. Steve said construction of the HR/Risk offices is nearly complete. He said asbestos abatement and flooring work is taking place in the Health building during the building closures. Josh Metcalf said he too is working on the COVID-19 project at the fairgrounds. Josh said the Lewis County landfill will begin turning away out-of-county customers beginning April 10. Erik Martin said the CDC and Surgeon General have recommended wearing masks in public. JP Anderson and Steve Wohld discussed proper care for reusing masks. JP Anderson discussed on-site inspections as well as outreach to vulnerable populations. He discussed outreach opportunities. Steve Walton said he and Daleyn Coleman have been working with others to develop the latest update to the county’s COVID-19 policy. JP Anderson left at 9:58 a.m. Steve Walton said there already has been a lot of interest in the Total Compensation Study RFP approved April 6. Daleyn Coleman discussed online training opportunities. Daleyn discussed changes to the county’s COVID-19 policy. Daleyn said she will send an email detailing an upcoming PAF for a new Public Works position. Tamara Hayes said the Lewis County Together website will soon go live to provide information about food and retail establishments as well as job opportunities. Lee Napier provided updates on Community Development’s remote operations. Rieva Lester urged the group to address the closure of county buildings in any calls for bids or requests for qualifications, etc. Steve Wohld and Matt Jaeger said IT has ordered headsets to improve audio during Zoom meetings. The commissioners thanked county employees – and local businesses – for their resilience and determination during the pandemic. Meeting ended at 10:20 a.m.