2020-06-15 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager June 15, 2020 4 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper (remotely), Commissioner Fund (remotely), Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Janelle Lindsey, Lara McRea, Scott Smitherman, Lee Napier (remotely), Suzette Smith (remotely), Candace Hallom Recorder: Rieva Lester Zoom guidelines: Erik Martin said he would like to start having the individuals running Zoom to provide guidelines for Zoom meetings. Budget: Becky Butler said she will present information regarding the wind farm refund during her update the following day. Candace Hallom discussed the Zoom guidelines. Internal Services Update: Steve Wohld discussed work taking place to prepare offices to reopen to the public. Public Health and Social Services: Erik Martin said the county has learned of two new cases, both individuals in their 60s. Erik said the county has not yet heard back regarding its Phase 3 application. 911 update: Consolidation Feasibility Study: Erik said the consultant has provided a cost for the Consolidation Feasibility Study: $97,000. He noted that it was lower than expected and that MOUs have been sent to the funding partners. Erik said he needs to know how the commissioners would like to pay for it: BOCC budget, general fund, 911. Becky noted that money was transferred from the general fund that was not used so there are some unrestricted funds available. She said an amendment would be needed. Erik said he believes Centralia and Chehalis will be taking a vote on providing funding in the next week weeks. Alarm monitoring charge: Scott Smitherman said Lewis County 911 monitors alarms for several entities. He said 911 would like to charge a small fee for the service -- $300 per alarm per year, noting that similar services cost much more. He said the money would be used to offset costs 911 incurs. Erik Martin noted that many of the consumers are county services, including Lewis County courts and county shops. Scott said 77 shops would be charged. Erik said the charges would bring in roughly $23,000. Scott said that presently, 911 covers the costs associated. The commissioners said they’d like to see how the proposal would affect county offices and departments. TransAlta grant: Erik said Scott Smitherman submitted a grant to update 911 phone service, which is expected to meet its life expectancy the following year. He said his weighing the benefits of teaming with Cowlitz County, which also uses Spillman. Erik said Patty Marsden has retired. Scott said she had been with the county for 27 years. The board directed Rieva Lester to write a letter of appreciation. Scott said he is rotating supervisors into the role for the interim and that those interested in the position are being encouraged to apply. Community Development: Erik said permit revenue has been down in April and May compared to the previous year. Erik said Lewis County has created a draft interlocal agreement for the Winlock project. Commissioner Jackson said he would reach out to Winlock Mayor Brandon Svenson regarding the agreement. Lee Napier discussed efficiencies Community Development put in place during the COVID-19 closures, such as mail-in services, the drop box, etc. Public Works Update: Packwood Floodplain: Erik said the Packwood Floodplain project was on hold during the COVID closures but should start moving forward. Erik said Mickelsen Parkway has gone out to bid. Erik said a little more time is needed for the Fire District 3 project due to the archeological work required. Airport property use: Erik said that due to FAA funding for various projects at the Packwood airport, specifically the land on which the East Lewis County PDA project sits, the county would not want to sell the land. Water Sewer District 5: Erik said Superior Court Judge Toynbee signed the agreement, so the county now owns Water Sewer District 5. Erik said the county has reached a $291,000 agreement for the system and a $59,000 agreement for the Ditri properties. Erik noted the system suffered a leak over the weekend and that the mechanism that is supposed to call with a low-tank warning failed, leading the reservoir to be drained. Erik said the county now needs to create an agreement with Water-Sewer District 2 so the moratorium can be lifted. Erik noted that he will be off June 29 through July 3. Meeting adjourned at 4:52 p.m.