2020-07-07 PA UpdatePA Update July 7, 2020 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson (remotely), County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Jonathan Meyer, Amber Smith, Cullen Gatten, Becky Butler, Natalie Dunlap, Meri Hamre, Frank Corbin, Matt Matayoshi Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer discussed RCW 2.08.030. He noted that Superior Courts has determined that the courthouse cannot meet COVID-19 social distancing requirements and that the Community Events Building at the fairgrounds would suffice. Jonathan said the Community Events Building is actually located in Centralia, not the county seat of Chehalis, so Superior Court would therefore require approval from the county legislative body as well as the state Supreme Court. Commissioner Fund made a motion to allow Superior Court to function at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Jonathan said his office is leaving vacant a position to meet the governor’s request to cut 15 percent in expenditures. Cullen Gatten said the county is still awaiting information regarding O’Connor v. Lewis County. Eric Eisenberg reminded the commissioners what constitutes a quorum meeting and / or serial meeting. Cullen Gatten and Jonathan Meyer noted that Facebook messages related to county business are public record. Jonathan, Cullen and Amber Smith said applications for the EDC grants are subject to the Public Records Act and may be subject to public disclosure. The group noted that the agreement with EDC indicates that the EDC makes the final decision. Eric Eisenberg said the EDC is subject to the OPMA. Eric said the county and the EDC could restructure the agreement to indicate that the county would make the final determination. If left unchanged, Amber Smith noted, the EDC would need to deliberate in an open public meeting. Matt Matayoshi said the EDC’s committee understands the public disclosure and OPMA requirements and will adhere to them accordingly. The commissioners said they would like to keep the EDC agreement as-is. Erik Martin noted that the governor’s office has indicated that businesses must deny service to those who are not wearing masks. Eric and Jonathan discussed offering services in alternative means, such as online. Eric said an individual can be asked if they have a medical reason for not wearing a mask. Erik asked the PA’s Office to work with HR to develop guidelines. Jonathan noted that there is a Superior Court order requiring mask use and that there has been some pushback from individuals who do not want to wear a mask. Becky Butler said Commerce has indicated that additional COVID security would be an appropriate use of Coronavirus Relief Funding. Eric Eisenberg discussed work related to a possible future fireworks ban. Meeting ended at 2:52 p.m.