2020-07-14 Levies Budget updateLevies / Budget update July 14, 2020 1:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper (1:38 p.m.), Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Assessor Dianne Dorey, Tammy Martin Guest: Frank Corbin Recorder: Rieva Lester 2021 levies and property taxes Assessor Dianne Dorey said reevaluations (or “revals”) are complete. She said the county has 500 fewer construction permits than the previous year. She said many new homes won’t be picked up until 2022. Dianne discussed delays to construction of the wind farm and personal property that won’t be added until 2022. Commissioner Stamper joined at 1:38 p.m. Dianne said Designated Forest Land removals for logged areas of the wind farm property will take place soon and that compensating taxes will be paid in 2020. The compensating taxes will go to the county and to the special purpose districts in which the wind farm sits, she said. Dianne discussed potential assessed values for the wind farm. Dianne said there are 2,200 new construction permits for the following year. Dianne said the cutoff for construction permits is June 1. She said the Assessor’s Office must visit each site within 12 months of the permit issuance. Dianne outline sales and indicated that sales are up roughly 9 percent in Chehalis, 15 percent in Centralia and 10 percent countywide. She said levy rates likely will go down as a result. Becky discussed the possibility of a levy shift and back-filling it with Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) funding. Dianne said she could crunch numbers in mid-August. Dianne said 400 businesses closed in Lewis County. The group discussed TransAlta. Dianne left at 2:09 p.m. Becky said Erik will send out a call letter later in the week. She said she’ll meet with the Treasurer later in the week to review the 2020 projected year end. Becky discussed the county’s application for non-congregate shelter. Steve Wohld outlined how to best use coronavirus relief funding for non-congregate housing at the fairgrounds, including creating individual restrooms or preparing RV sites. The commissioners agreed to have the group continue pursuing allocation opportunities. Meeting ended at 2:31 p.m.