2020-07-15 Auditor Treasurer UpdateAuditor / Treasurer Update
July 15, 2020
2:05 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Arny Davis, Rodney Reynolds, Becky Butler,
Suzette Smith, and Larry Grove
Recorder: Tammy Martin
Rodney discussed Lewis County’s current deposits and earnings. He provided updates on county
revenues, including cash investments. Twenty-seven percent of funds are invested in Opus Bank.
Rodney discussed long-term investments. Arny suggested the need to determine cash flow before
reinvesting in long term. The long-term investment section currently has fewer long-term investments
due to COVID-19. The County is currently sitting on about $2.5 million in general fund investments.
Suzette Smith provided an overview of county expenditures within the General Fund and Other Funds.
Becky Butler made mention that notes need to be added that the budget will be reduced due to the
Wind Farm rebate.
Meeting adjourned at 2:19 p.m.