2020-08-03 EDC UpdateEDC Update
August 3, 2020
1:30 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Alison Puckett, Matt Matayoshi
Guest(s): Meri Hamre, Jon Ladd
Recorder: Tammy Martin
Matt Matayoshi said they are finishing signing contracts for the business grants. Several restaurants are
flourishing and some are just barely hanging on. $380,000 in grants. Lewis County has received the
invoice and the EDC will issue checks once EDC has been reimbursed. The Commissioners will meet
8/4/20 to set amounts for non-profit grants. The Board is looking to do an amendment in effort to get
the grant process started.
Washington State is going to do another round of funding of $150,000. They want a plan before
releasing funds. EDC will be the decision-maker for distributing the funds.
There will be four grant programs at the same timeline.
Beneroya is still seeing interest from users. Permits are being processed. Mickelsen Parkway is moving
forward and the PUD is doing planning for power upgrades. Sewer permits will be submitted for funding
by the end of August. Smart Tank this year has not been as smooth as in the past. There are meetings
set up later in August to work with an entrepreneurial expert to move ideas forward.
.09 Resolution agreement will be on the Directors’ Update.
Commissioner Fund spoke about the broadband survey that was submitted and its importance .
Commissioner Stamper asked about the 17-acre parcel at Trans-Alta and Matt said there has not been
much interest in the site.
Adjourned 2:34 p.m.