2020-08-10 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager August 10, 2020 11:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Janelle Lindsey, Becky Butler, Lee Napier, Steve Wohld Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Bill Serrahn, Frank Corbin Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget Becky Butler said the 2021 call letter will go out later in the day and are due back Sept. 14. She said she will meet with the budget committee later in the week. Codify County Manager authority Erik Martin said he and Amber Smith have outlined a draft ordinance and that he will distribute a copy to the commissioners later in the week. Erik noted that Eric Eisenberg will serve as the BOCC’s counsel while Amber Smith will serve as the County Manager’s counsel. Public Health and Social Services Erik clarified that the suspension of food permits for temporary establishments only affects temporary establishments – such as special events – not permanent businesses. Internal Services Steve Wohld said Facilities has switched to more of a maintenance-first approach. He said the county’s insurance has approved a $700,000 repair on the south side of the Law and Justice Center. He noted that the county has a $5,000 deductible. As part of its approval, Steve said, the insurance company would like the county to repaint and seal the entire building. Steve said IT is looking at technologies to support in-person and remote meeting attendance. Steve said Steve Walton has announced his upcoming retirement. Steve discussed work to create a parks / tourism / fair plan, and he also provided an update on projects that have taken place at the Fairgrounds. Steve and Becky Butler said 2020 lodging taxes year-to-date in unincorporated Lewis County have remained largely unchanged compared to 2019 totals. Steve discussed the neutral budget results of the Internal Services reorganization. 911 update Erik said the group is looking at a flat rate increase over the previous year. He discussed accountability, having the fees reflect how much the various entities use the 911 system. Erik said the consolidation feasibility study is ongoing. Community Development Erik said work with Benaroya and on the Mickelsen Parkway project continues. Erik said he would share an Excel sheet indicating permits and revenue. Personnel Erik said he would like the county to enlist the help of a professional recruiting firm to fill Steve Walton’s upcoming vacancy. Meeting ended at 11:44 a.m.