2020-08-11 Grant proposal interviewsGrant proposal interviews
August 11, 2020
3:02 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik
Martin, Becky Butler, and Tamara Hayes
Guest(s): Frank Corbin, Larry McGee
Recorder: Tammy Martin
Presenter(s): Pete Crosby, CEO of Breeze, Phil Crocker of LC
High-Speed Education Network
Pete Crosby of Breeze proposes to provide services to
approximately 500 people that include, but are not limited to
300 net new sites to 200+ customers coming from other
sources. Each blue perimeter is approximately a two-mile
best-case service. Breeze equipment will be placed on these
current towers and each tower has a verbal commitment at
this point.
Approximately three people can use services at one time. This
project will be completed by October 31, 2020. This project is
not dependent upon further funding. The equipment will be in
place by the fourth week of August. By August 20, 2020,
customers will be able to join the network. There is a $100
connection charge as well as a monthly charge for services of
$49-$79 a month.
Proposed location of ten sites includes:
• Davis HIll Tower
• Triple Tower Chehalis
• Cardinal Watertower
• Winlock Watertower
• Winlock East Tower
• Sulkum Tower
• Napavine Watertower
• Crego Tower
• Adna Ceres Tower
• Adna Bunker Tower
Becky Butler: Follow-up
questions to go before the
Commissioners tomorrow at the
Director’s update.
Commissioner Stamper: asked
to consider some kind of
incentive that they could offer
low-income families to help
mitigate costs.
Education Network:
Dollar amounts coming from
other sources were requested.
Also needed to know Phil’s
service contract amount. The
United Way is the fiscal
manager. Becky asked to have a
discussion with Debbie
Campbell. What are the contract
amounts and do these meet our
scope. What is the $150,000 for
and benefiting?
Joe Clark and Phil Crocker representing the Lewis County High-Speed Education Network propose to
help close the internet connection gap. They have identified approximately 200 families that currently
have zero access in Chehalis and upwards of
500 other families that have zero access in Lewis County. The Education Network uses current providers
such as Toledo Tel, PUD, Comcast/X-finity, T-Mobile, Breeze, and Blue Sky to provide access
in places that do not currently have it. The metrics are data driven from the student information form
the school districts. They call families to verify and then solicit. They map the locations that do
not have connectivity and work with vendors to get those internets connections to families that need it.
For families that choose not to connect, The Education Network creates hot spots. The new
infrastructure would go to places that need it. Their goal is to provide service to school age children.
There will be safeguards in place that ensure bandwidth access. The Education Network currently has
about $450,000 in funds coming from other sources. Joe Clark said that fees are for this time period.
There have been no long-term fees discussed. This is trying to establish connectivity for children for the
next 12-18 months.
Adjourned at 5:11 p.m.