2020-08-24 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update August 24, 2020 11:31 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Steve Wohld, Lara McRea, Becky Butler Zoom: Katie Conradi, Lee Napier, Suzette Smith, Rieva Lester Guests: Frank Corbin Recorder: Tammy Martin Budget - There will be a budget amendment in September instead of October. BOCC budgets will be addressed next week. Codified County Manager Authority – Most everything codified in the document is currently being done. Commissioners are agreeable with the document. The Board would like to continue to represent the constituents. A notice of hearing will be forthcoming. Benaroya update – Great to have the grand opening the week before. Weekly updates are in order to make sure permits are up to date and that we can stay in current contact with Benaroya collaborates. They are working on a press release to announce to establish the partner responsible for “Build to Suit.” Matt Matayoshi is working with the EDA for funding to get sewer accessibility. The NEPA process has to be complete before EDA funding. They are searching for other funds including .09. Internal Services update - Facilities meeting request with LCSO Chris Tawes. They are currently working to ensure that Facilities are being FIT tested for N95 mask to mitigate exposure. Maintenance around the buildings is wrapping up. Still working to get the vinyl around the doors to show consistency as we roll out parts of the capital plan. Noxious Weed is moving to the new property. Once DEM moves, there will be two new conference rooms. With the re-org, there were no new FTEs in maintenance. Capital plan will be presented next week. • IT – Hardware for courts is here. Updates will be coming soon. • H/R Steve Walton retirement - this is his last week. Please say your farewells. COVID-19 – Erik Martin addressed work from home and accountability. The prosecutor has brought forward learning pods. Commissioner Fund is concerned about the perception about having childcare/learning pods. She also stated that Commissioners in other counties are still working from home. Commissioner Fund asked how many people are currently working from home or have alternate schedules. Commissioner Jackson asked if other counties are providing options for childcare/learning pods. Public Works/DEM update - Josh Metcalf is working with WSDOT for Harrison Interchange study and working with the railroad for viable options at the Blakeslee Junction. No update last week. Adjourned 12:12 p.m.