Waive bid requirements and approve special market condition purchase of two 5-yard dump trucks BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
WHEREAS, Resolution 16-344 established procedures for the purchase of goods
and services per procedures in RCW 39.04.280(1)(b); and
WHEREAS, Lewis County's current 5 yard fleet is 26 years old and the cost to
repair or find replacement parts is no longer reasonable; and
WHEREAS, Covid has created a shortage of medium duty chassis because
assembly lines were the hardest hit by work force reductions. These reductions
have created a backlog of over a year and an automatic price increase of 3.5% to
the chassis alone and about 8% to the dump body; and
WHEREAS, the local dealers and internet searches have come back with no 5
yard dump trucks available; and
WHEREAS, ER&R located two available trucks and price checking via quotes and
internet show the price as competitive. If we go out for bids, these available
trucks will sell and will not be available due to market conditions.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the BOCC hereby waives the competitive
bid procedures and approves the special market condition purchase of two 5 yard
dump trucks.
DONE IN OPEN SESSION this 6th day of April, 2021.
Page 1 of 2 Res. 21-136
Jonathan Meyer, Prosecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON
Kevin McDowell Gary Stamper
By: Kevin McDowell, Gary Stamper, Chair
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
ATTEST: •'�°""'' "�s;• Lindsey R. Pollock, DVM
Rieva Lester, Clerk of the Board; ° L` udsey R. Pollock, DVM, Vice Chair
� 0?`
• y ''`�'" `' Sean D. Swope
La ra McRea '•*-6 cio>;
By: Lara McRea Sean D. Swope, Commissioner
Page 2 of 2 Res. 21-136
WHEREAS, Lewis County desires to obtain Goods and Services in a fair and equitable manner, at the
best value, and in compliance with Federal, State, and local laws; and,
WHEREAS, the Governmental Finance Officers Association (GFOA) best practices recommend that
governmental entities adopt and follow procurement procedures; and,
WHEREAS, 2CFR200.318(a) (Code of Federal Regulations) in the Uniform Grant Guidance states that
a non-Federal entity must use its own documented procurement procedures which reflect applicable State, local,
and tribal laws and regulations, provided that the procurements conform to the applicable Federal Law and
standards identified in this 2CFR200; and,
WHEREAS, 2CFR200.319(c) states that the non-Federal entity must have written procedures for
procurement transactions; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners desires to remain in compliance with Federal, State,
and local laws by adopting the procurement procedures attached to this resolution;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that effective January 1, 2017 the Procurement Procedures
attached are hereby adopted.
DONE IN OPEN SESSION, this 19th day of December, 2016.
• SINCE a•
• �8 1845 7• Q.bSL+�.�
Rieva Lester, Clerk of the `���5�.' P. W. Schulte, Chairman
• errsx:•••
APP,;I' ED a$/1O FORM: '••••• 7
Garyiamper, Vi - Chair
Dep ' osecutor Attorney Edna J. Fund, Corn /sioner
Table of Contents
• Conflicts of Interest 3
• Gifts,Gratuities, Fees 3
• Compliance&Behavior 8
• Cost&Taxes 9
• Board Approval 9
• Limited Public Works Process 10
• Small Works Roster Process 10
• Competitive Sealed Bid Process 10
• Informal Competition 10
• Competition by Quotations 10
• Verbal Versus Written Quote 11
• Vendor List 11
• Formal Competition 11
• Lease Versus Purchase 12
• Cost Comparison Considerations 12
• Factors 13
• Methods of Comparison 13
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 1 of 20
• Debarment &Suspension 15
• Allowable Costs 15
• Methods of Procurement 17
• Cost Analysis 18
• Timing of Payment Requests 18
• Ensure compliance with state and federal law.
• Establish the authority and responsibility of Offices and Departments in the Procurement
• Provide fair and equitable treatment for those interested in bidding on County Contracts or
otherwise providing goods and services.
• Help guard against fraud and favoritism when awarding County Contracts or purchasing goods
and services.
• Advance the goal that County Contracts are performed satisfactorily,efficiently at the lowest
cost to the public, and that purchasing practices maximize the value received when spending
public funds.
• Achieve uniformity and efficiency among Offices and Departments in the Procurement
Unless exempted in section 4,this manual applies to:
• Purchasing any good or service by the County
• Leasing real or personal property by the County
• Contracts for Public Work
All elected officials,employees,and agents of the County shall comply with this manual, except
where otherwise governed by federal or state law. Offices and Departments may develop their own
internal policies which may be more detailed or more stringent than the minimum County
requirements listed in this manual.
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 2 of 20
Nothing in this manual shall prevent the County from complying with the terms and conditions of
any grant,gift,or bequest which is otherwise consistent with law, provided the grant,gift,or
bequest does not obligate another Office or Department to incur unanticipated expenses without its
All elected officials, employees, and agents of the County should conduct themselves in a manner
that is in the best interest of Lewis County and maintains the public's confidence in the County's
integrity. A perception that public officials are using the procurement system to reward themselves,
their friends,or supporters, poisons the public's confidence in government. Guidelines for employee
conduct can be found in the Lewis County Employee Handbook(Resolution 14-203,or any
subsequent revision of the resolution).
In particular,the following items (also discussed in Sections 12 and 13 of the Lewis County Employee
Handbook)apply to employee conduct during the procurement process:
• Conflicts of Interest—Officers, employees, and agents of the County participating in the
procurement process must not have any real or apparent conflicts of interest regarding a
purchase or contract. A conflict of interest occurs when the officer,employee,or agent of the
County,any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner,or an organization which
employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein, has a financial or other
interest in or a tangible personal benefit from a firm considered for a purchase/contract.
• Gifts,Gratuities, Fees—Officers,employees,and agents of the County shall not accept meals or
other gifts from salespeople,vendors,suppliers,or any other solicitors. However, items with a
nominal value of less than twenty-five dollars($25.00)that are distributed in a general manner
by businesses,vendors,and consultants as their routine policy of conducting business and
advertising,shall be considered social amenities and not subject to these procedures. Before
accepting any gift or promotional item with a value of greater than twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
from an outside person or entity,employees should consult with their supervisor.
Violations of the standards of conduct are subject to the disciplinary actions located in Section 4 of
the Lewis County Employee Handbook.
The following are exempt from bidding and competitive solicitation (please see the associated RCW
for the conditions/requirements that apply to each exception) but must comply with all other
provisions of this manual:
• Sole source procurement (RCW 36.32.270 and 39.04.280). Sole source procurement of goods
and services may be undertaken without Bid or RFP only if the specifications for the purchase
are such that only one respondent will reply,or there is only one source for the goods or
services that meets the needs of the County.The specifications must be material to the purpose
of the purchase and not merely written so as to limit competition. See Section 12 Sole Source
Purchases for additional details.
• Interagency agreements(RCW 39.34).
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 3 of 20
• Intergovernmental acquisition of public property(RCW 39.33)
• Purchases from or through the federal government(RCW 39.32)
• Emergency Purchases (RCW 36.32.270 and RCW 39.04.280). Purchases of Goods and Services,
including Public Work Contracts,during a locally declared disaster or state of emergency must
follow county procedures detailed in Resolution 11-084,or any subsequent revision to the
• Personal service agreements not subject to bidding by law.
• Purchase of insurance or bonds(RCW 39.04.280).
• Purchases involving special facilities or market conditions (RCW 39.04.280).
• Election materials and ballots(RCW 36.32.245(4)).
• Architectural and engineering services(RCW 39.80).
• Water pollution control facilities/services and solid waste handling facilities services(RCW
• Purchases of public mass transportation system services(RCW 39.33).
• Performance based Contracts for energy equipment(RCW 39.35A).
• Purchases at auctions(RCW 39.30.045). See Section 13 for additional information.
• Contracts with community service organizations for park improvements or maintenance services
(RCW 35.21.278).
• Public depositaries(RCW 36.48).
• Brokerage securities and debt transactions.
• Expert witnesses for legal proceedings(RCW 39.26.125).
• Legal and public defender services.
• Purchases of employment tests and employment testing services.
• Current Federal Highway Administration Blanket Proprietary Approvals for Washington State
Definitions in this section apply to this manual and all related procedures,forms,and tools.
Award-The formal decision to accept a Bid or proposal.
Bid -An offer to perform a Contract for work and labor or supplying materials at a specified price.
Board- Lewis County Board of County Commissioners
Competitive Sealed Bid-A method of selecting the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for a
specific project. Written Bids are submitted by contractors based on plans and specifications in the
Call for Sealed Bids. No negotiation with bidders is permitted.
Contract-Any agreement other than a purchase order between two or more parties stipulating
obligations of one to another. It is a mutually binding legal relationship obligating the seller to furnish
the product, materials, or services and the buyer to pay for them. To be enforceable,a Contract
must contain five essential elements:an offer and acceptance of the offer, consideration, legal
subject matter, competent parties, and essential terms and conditions.
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 4 of 20
Contractor-A vendor who has been awarded a contract for goods and or services and has entered
into a contract with Lewis County.
Contract Officer-The County employee designated by the Elected Official or Department Director to
manage a Contract in compliance with this manual.
Consultant-A contractor or vendor offering or providing engineering, architectural,or other
professional services.
Cooperative Contract (Also Group Contract)-An agreement that utilizes bids, proposals or contracts
awarded by another public agency to achieve efficiency,easier access,or greater volume discounts.
County- Lewis County
Department-A Lewis County department established by the Board with an appointed director or a
board or commission appointed by the Board.
Emergency Purchases-Purchases made to maintain safety,security, and/or preservation of County
assets during exigent events, provided an emergency is declared by the Board or other lawful
authority as soon as practicable.
Fleet Acquisitions-The acquisition of any vehicle (such as cars,trucks, or trailers)that must be
licensed according to state law for use on public roads,ride-on construction equipment(such as
dozers,excavators,or pavers),and ride-on commercial-size equipment with wheels or tracks (such as
lawn mowers,skid steer loaders,tractors,forklifts,and mobile work platforms).
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)—A non-profit organization which represents public
finance officials throughout the United States with the purpose of enhancing and promoting the
professional management of governments for the public benefit by identifying and developing
financial policies and practices and promoting them through education,training,and leadership.
Grant-Any gift,appropriation, donation,or advance by any donor, whether absolute or conditional,
for any purpose. The County may be the donor(grantor)or the recipient (grantee).
Information Technology(IT)-The equipment,software, and services used in storing, processing,
copying,transmitting, and displaying all forms of electronic information. Information technology
includes, but is not limited to,equipment and services associated with personal computers,servers,
laptops,and portable computers, printers,and all associated peripheral devices. It also includes
equipment and services associated with network components, backup systems,wireless networks,
copy machines,fax machines,telephones,cell phones,software licenses,telecommunications
equipment, imaging systems,and audio/visual/media systems.
Interagency Agreement-An agreement between the County and other public agency as defined
under RCW 39.34.
Interfund Agreement-A brief informal memorandum of understanding signed by the elected official
or department director,which includes the scope of work and time period, may be written for work
to be performed by one County office/department for another County office/department. Interfund
agreements are not considered a purchase or contract for the purposes of this manual.
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 5 of 20
Limited Public Works Process (LPW)—(RCW 39.04.155(3)) Provides uniform Small Works Roster
provisions to Award Contracts for work, construction, building, renovation, remodeling,alteration,
repair, or improvement of real property that may be used by the County.These provisions may be
used in lieu of other procedures to Award Public Works Contracts with an estimated cost of less than
$40,000. RCW 39.04.155(3) indicates the Limited Public Works Process may be used for purchases
under$35,000. However, RCW 36.32.250 indicates the county legislative authority may dispense
with advertisement and competitive bidding for Public Works contracts less than$40,000. Lewis
County has decided to utilize the Limited Public Works Process for Public Works contracts less than
$40,000(detailed in Resolution 09-226,or any subsequent revision of the resolution).
Office-The office of a County Elected Official.
Ordinary Maintenance-Includes work to maintain an asset that is performed on a regular basis(i.e.
weekly, monthly,or annually),except for janitorial services which include work performed by
janitors,waxers,shampooers,and window cleaners only.
Procurement-The combined functions of purchasing, inventory control,transportation, receiving,
inspection,store keeping,and salvage and disposal operations.
Professional Services Agreement(PSA)-A Contract for professional or technical expertise contracted
to accomplish a specific study, project,task, or other work statement.
Public Building Service Maintenance Contracts -Janitorial service contracts on public buildings and/or
assets and cover only work performed by janitors,waxers,shampooers, and window cleaners
pursuant to WAC 296.127.01308.
Public Works-All work involving construction,alteration, repair,or improvement,other than
Ordinary Maintenance,executed at the cost of the County.This includes, but is not limited to
demolition, remodeling, renovation, road construction, building construction,ferry construction, and
utility construction. In terms of building construction, it includes anything that is permanently affixed
to the building(RCW 39.04.010).
Public Works Contract-A Contract in writing for the execution of Public Works for a fixed or
determinable amount awarded per procedures required by state law, pursuant to RCW 39.04.010.
Purchase File-A file, physical or electronic, maintained by the office or department making the
purchase that contains relevant information regarding the purchase,which may include:solicitation
documents, bids/proposals/quotes,contracts and amendments, memorandums indicating why a
particular course of action was chosen,documents showing compliance of all purchasing laws,rules,
polices,and trade agreements,and/or any other documents that may relate to the purchase.
Request for Proposal(RFP) (Excluding Engineering, Architecture,and other professional services
described in Chapter 39.80 RCW)-A method used to solicit written proposals for services. A RFP
may include a Request for Information, Request for Qualifications, or other similar methods used to
solicit proposals for services. The intent of the RFP is to acquire, by the most advantageous and
flexible method,the services needed at the highest possible quality. Unlike most material contracts,
where the primary concern is cost, in service procurement,evaluative factors are generally based on
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 6 of 20
qualifications and ability to do the job. A RFP differs from a Competitive Sealed Bid in three
important ways:
• It permits discussions and negotiations with competing proposers and allows changes in their
proposals including price. Alterations by negotiation in the nature of a proposal and in prices
may be made after proposals are opened.
• It allows comparative evaluations to be made when selecting among acceptable proposals for
Contract Awards.
• It provides a flexible method of approaching a project which has limited specifications or
requirements. The results wanted are known, but there may not be a clear understanding of the
specific requirements needed to identify how or what the methods may be, or what the services
may entail.
Responsible Bidder—For Public Works contracts, a bidder who, at the time of bid submittal, complies
with the criteria set forth in RCW 39.04.350. For other types of contracting,the same criteria apply
excepting those only related to the construction of facilities.
Responsive Bidder-A bidder that has adequately addressed the requirements of the contract as set
forth in the solicitation documents. A bidder must be a Responsive Bidder in order to be considered
a Responsible Bidder.
Small Public Work(SPW)-A Public Work with a Total Net Cost of Acquisition of$300,000 or less.
Small Works Roster—(RCW 39.04.155)A list of pre-qualified contractors used for the purpose of
obtaining quotations and awarding Contracts for Public Works with an estimated Total Net Cost of
Acquisition of$300,000 or less.
Socially Responsible Purchasing- Includes all aspects of social and environmental justice,including
equal benefits,women and minority contracting,environmental sustainability, and fair labor
practices and policies.
Sustainabilitv- Using natural,financial, and human resources in a responsible manner that meets
existing needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Sub-recipient—A non-federal entity that receives grant money(often from federal or state sources)
through the County to carry out part of a program being performed by the County.
Total Cost of Acquisition (TCA) -The total of sales price, sales or use tax,freight or shipping charges,
installation or set up charges,security deposits,and any other charges applicable to the acquisition.
Interest to be paid over the term of the contract and bargain purchase option amounts shall be
included,where applicable,for leases and installation purchases.
Vendor-A potential provider of goods and/or services.
Vendor List-A list maintained by the Auditor's Office of vendors interested in providing goods and
services to the County.
WMBE(Women and Minority Owned Business Enterprises)-Companies that are certified by the
State Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises as being owned at least 51% by a woman
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 7 of 20
or minority. Some Departments also use the term HUB (Historically Underutilized Business)with the
same definition.
The Board:
• Approves by resolution contracts entered into by a Department or Office greater than or equal
to$40,000,or as modified by Resolution, in one calendar year,multi-year contracts,sole source
contracts, real property acquisitions and disposals, and interagency agreements.
• Approves rules, procedures,and forms developed to implement this manual.
The Auditor's Office:
• Maintains this manual.
• Assists the Board in establishing rules, procedures,and forms to implement this manual.
• Maintains the Vendor List per the purchasing procedures listed in Section 7.
The County Prosecuting Attorney s Civil Division or its successor function:
• Assists in the development of form Contracts and approving them for use.
• Reviews Contracts referred to them by Offices and Departments.
The Public Works Director or its successor position:
• Maintains the Small Works Roster.
Elected Officials and Department Directors:
• Comply with this manual and the procedures for implementing this manual within their Offices
and Departments.
• Ensure employees who purchase are familiar with purchasing requirements and procedures,
including ethical responsibilities and restrictions on purchasing where the employee has,or
appears to have,any direct or indirect interest in the purchase.
• Ensure all Information Technology purchases and Contracts comply with the established
standards for the County.
• Monitor contractor compliance with the specifications terms and conditions of the Contract.
• Compliance& Behavior
0 All Offices and Departments shall purchase goods and services in compliance with
federal and state laws,County code,and all applicable rules and policies.
0 Procurement documents should only be signed by those who have formal authorization
to bind the county to that contract obligation.
0 Offices and Departments shall not break any project into units or phases if it is done for
the purpose of avoiding the dollar threshold of a contract that would require using the
Small Works Roster or a competitive bid process.
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 8 of 20
0 No County official, director,or Contract Officer shall be beneficially interested,directly
or indirectly, in any contract which may be made by,through, or under the supervision
of such person, in whole or in part, or which may be made for the benefit of his or her
Office/Department,or accept,directly or indirectly, any compensation,gratuity,or
reward in connection with such contract from any other person beneficially interested
therein. This section shall not apply to the exemptions as listed in RCW 42.23.030(1)-
0 Use of a Purchase Card does not negate the procurement processes indicated in this
manual. Please see Resolution 12-130"PURCHASE CARD POLICY",or any subsequent
revisions of the resolution,for additional requirements associated with the use of
Purchase Cards during procurement.
• Cost&Taxes
O All Offices and Departments shall use the Total Cost of Acquisition (TCA) as defined in
this manual to determine the dollar thresholds in applying this manual. Total Cost of
Acquisition includes:the sales price,sales or use tax,freight or shipping charges,
installation or set up charges, security deposits, interest paid over the term of a lease
contract, and any other charges applicable to the acquisition.
0 The County favors competitive bidding to the extent practical. All Offices and
Departments shall conduct competitive bidding in an open manner that is accessible to
interested vendors.
0 The county is not tax exempt. Therefore, if a purchase is being made from an out of
state vendor that is not required to collect and remit sales tax,the County is required to
submit use tax for that purchase. When evaluating the best purchase price,sales and
use tax should be taken into consideration.
• Board Approval
Board approval is required for:
0 All contracts entered into by a Department or Office greater than or equal to$40,000 in
one calendar year.
O All multi-year expenditure Contracts unless a non-appropriation clause is included in the
0 All sole source Contracts.
O All real property acquisitions and disposals.
O Interagency agreements.
O Any contract that, by statute, must be approved by the governing body of the County.
The Board of County Commissioners delegates authority to the appointed Directors under the
authority of the Board to execute and bind Lewis County to contracts less than$40,000 provided
they do so in compliance with federal and state law and the other provisions indicating in
Resolution 11-437, or any subsequent revision of the resolution. In circumstances where
contracting authority is unclear,or where there is a joint commitment,signatures of the Board
and an elected official may be required.
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 9 of 20
The Board may waive the competitive bid requirements of this manual for service contracts
upon request of an Elected Official or Department Director as permitted by state law.
A flow chart of the procurement process may be viewed in Appendix A.
• Limited Public Works Process
An Office or Department may award Public Works Contracts which are less than$40,000 using
the Limited Public Works Process as defined in RCW 39.04.155(3) (RCW 36.32.250). See Lewis
County Resolution 09-226,or any subsequent revisions to the resolution,for the details
regarding this process.
• Small Works Roster Process
An Office or Department may award Public Works Contracts which are less than $300,000
through the Small Works Roster process (See Lewis County Resolution 09-226,or any
subsequent revisions to the resolution,for the details regarding this process), competitive
bidding, or any other allowed means so long as all legal requirements to enter into such
Contract are met. Those requirements include, but are not limited to:
0 Obtaining a performance and payment bond or an acceptable substitute,and
0 Meeting prevailing wage and meeting retained percentage requirements, except where
prohibited by funding source.
• Competitive Sealed Bid Process
Public Works Contracts equal to or more than$300,000 are required to utilize the Competitive
Sealed Bid process as referenced in RCW 36.32.250.
A flow chart of the procurement process may be viewed in Appendix A.
• Informal Competition
An Office or Department may authorize purchases of goods and/or services of less than $5,000
without advertisement and formal competitive process pursuant to RCW 36.32.245 and Lewis
County Resolution 12-196,or any subsequent revisions to the resolution; however, informal
competition is still expected to be performed to ensure the best use of public funds. The GFOA
recommends that such purchases be made after obtaining three verbal or written quotes to
verify the best purchase price. Documentation to support purchase decisions, including price
competitiveness,should be included in the Purchase File to demonstrate that efforts were made
to reduce costs.
• Competition by Quotations
An Office or Department may award contracts for goods and/or services from $5,000 to$25,000
without advertising or a formal sealed bid process, provided the vendor was selected pursuant
to RCW 39.04.190, RCW 36.32.245, and Lewis County Resolution 12-196, or any subsequent
revisions to the resolution. This process includes:
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 10 of 20
0 Securing verbal or written quotes from at least three different vendors located on the
vendor list to identify a competitive price.
0 Awarding the contract to the lowest responsible bidder.
0 Following award, bid quotations obtained shall be recorded,open to public inspection,
and available by telephonic inquiry.
• Verbal Versus Written Quote
A verbal quote,such as a telephone quote, is sufficient for many purchases up to$25,000 and is
often the most efficient procurement method, although any Public Notice Requirements must
still be satisfied.The person obtaining a verbal quote should record the quote and retain it in
the Purchase File. A written solicitation may be more advantageous when:
0 Increased competition is desirable.
0 The specification or statement of work is too involved to be adequately communicated
0 A quote is needed for multiple items and to protect against the possibility of any
0 Procurement process integrity and transparency may be warranted.
See Appendix B for a Request for Quotation Form that may be use when obtaining written
quotes or used to record verbal quotes.
• Vendor List
Vendors may request to be added to the vendor list by completing the Vendor List Application
form (currently located at http://lewiscountywa.gov/auditor/vendor-application )and
submitting it to the Auditor's Office.
County offices/departments should verify a potential vendor is located on the vendor list prior
to purchasing from the vendor. Verification may be performed by searching the current Vendor
Book(currently located in Y:\Finance Pay Lists\Vendor Book—this will change with the
implementation of the new finance system)or by contacting the Auditor's Office.
• Formal Competition
RCW 36.32.245 requires a formal,competitive process,such as Competitive Sealed Bids and
Request for Proposal(RFP),for purchases that exceed the established dollar thresholds
(currently$25,000). Competitive Sealed Bids are used when the price is the sole factor for
selecting the award. Bids are final and amounts may not be negotiated. A Request for Proposal
is used when the specifications cannot be developed precise enough to make a selection solely
based on price. Both the specifications of the proposed goods or services, and the price are
subject to negotiation and the award is made to the proposal that is most advantageous to the
government considering price and the other evaluation criteria.
Minimum Elements of a Bid/Proposal Solicitation Document:
0 General and special instructions to bidders/offeror.
0 Standard terms and conditions.
0 Any other relevant special terms and conditions.
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 11 of 20
0 Specifications and/or requirements of the goods and services needed.
0 Description with sufficient specificity of what is to be purchased and in what quantity.
0 Any evaluation factors besides price that are used to evaluate the bids (if an RFP).
Requirements for Notice of Request for Bids/Proposals:
0 Bid/Proposal Specifications must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of County
Commissioners for public inspection.
0 An advertisement shall be published in the official newspaper of the county for at least
thirteen days prior to the last date upon which bids/proposals will be received. The
advertisement should state:
Y the time and place where bids/proposals will be opened
➢ the time after which bids/proposals will not be received
➢ the materials, equipment, supplies,or services to be purchased
➢ that the specifications may be seen at the office of the clerk of the board,and
➢ any non-cost evaluation factors used to evaluate the bids (if an RFP).
Bid/Proposal Awarding Process:
0 Bids/proposals shall be in writing,either hard copy or electronic form as specified by the
county, and shall be filed with the clerk.
0 The bids/proposals shall be opened and read in public at the time and place named in
the advertisement.
0 Contracts using sealed bids are awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible
bidder. Contracts using Requests for Proposals are awarded after reviewing the
proposals using the other evaluation factors to determine the best contractor.
0 After the award is made,the bid quotations or proposals shall be recorded and open to
public inspection and shall be available by telephonic inquiry.
0 Any or all bids may be rejected for good cause.
0 Contracts of$40,000 or more,and if amendments to a contract cause the Total Cost of
Acquisition to be$40,000 or greater,are approved by the Board of County
• Lease Versus Purchase
Substantial savings can often be realized by purchasing rather than leasing certain kinds of
equipment. In other situations, leasing may be the most economical option. The main
requirement is that any decision to lease rather than purchase must be justified.The buyer must
be able to show that the long-term lease cost will be more advantageous than the initial cost of
purchase,or that the requested item will be of no use to the county after its immediate use.
Lack of funds alone is never sufficient reason to lease.Also, purchasing should not be ruled out
in favor of leasing merely because there is a possibility that future technological improvements
may make the selected equipment less desirable.
• Cost Comparison Considerations
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 12 of 20
The option of leasing is generally considered when the County must spend substantial money
for an equipment item.In such situations, it is necessary to weigh several factors,including the
life expectancy of the item,the feasibility of determining its final cost(considering repair and
maintenance costs,trade-in or salvage value,etc.),and the likelihood that the item will need to
be replaced.
• Factors
Relevant factors to be considered in decisions involving equipment include:
0 Length of time the equipment is to be used,extent of usage,and potential additional
use by other departments if the item is declared surplus property.
0 The financial and other advantages of all types and makes available.
0 Leasing costs and purchase options.
0 Costs of purchase and installation.
0 The likelihood that the item will soon become obsolete or outmoded due to
technological improvements.
• Methods of Comparison
The method used for making a cost comparison may need to be complex(involving factors such
as interest rates,technological life,trade-in value,etc.)or it may simply involve a comparison of
what it will cost to buy and maintain the equipment against the cumulative, long-term cost of
leasing. Irrespective of the method used for cost comparison,the point in time when the
cumulative leasing cost will exceed the cost of purchasing usually does not vary significantly. In
relation to that point,the purchasing office/department can decide:
0 To purchase if the equipment will be used beyond the point when cumulative leasing
costs exceed purchase costs;
0 To lease with option to purchase when it is not certain whether the equipment's period
of usefulness will exceed that point yet it is necessary or desirable to acquire the item
0 To lease without option to purchase when the equipment will not be used beyond the
point where leasing costs exceed purchase costs and/or when it is not possible to obtain
an option to purchase.
The County may acquire electronic data processing or telecommunication equipment,software,or
services through competitive negotiation rather than competitive bidding.
Competitive negotiation includes:
0 A Request for Proposal detailing the desired purchase,the significant evaluation factors
(including price), and the relative importance of the factors.
0 Submission of the request to an adequate number of qualified sources.
0 Notice of the request published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county at
least thirteen days before the last date upon which proposals will be received.
0 Reasonable procedures for technical evaluation of the proposals received, identification
of qualified sources,and selection for awarding the contract.
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 13 of 20
The award shall be made to the qualified bidder whose proposal is most advantageous to the
County with price and other factors considered. Any and all proposals may be rejected for good
When goods and services are dearly and legitimately limited to a single source of supply, a sole
source purchase may be approved to waive the competitive bidding requirements(RCW 36.32.270
and 39.04.280). There should be careful deliberation before going to a sole source since this type of
purchase eliminates competition.
Sole source purchases would be appropriate if the specifications for the purchase are such that only
one respondent will reply, or there is only one source for the goods or services that meets the needs
of the County.The specifications must be material to the purpose of the purchase and not merely
written so as to limit competition.
The following steps need to be followed in order to make a sole source purchase:
1. Draft specifications for the good or service to ensure maximum competition.
2. Evaluate whether only one vendor can successfully respond to provide those specifications.
3. Complete the Sole Source Justification form(see Appendix C)to document that the
specifications limiting competition are necessary and the good or service is available only
through one provider, manufacturer,or distributor.
4. Document that the County is getting the lowest price the vendor offers.
5. Obtain approval from the Elected Official or Department Director if the purchase is under
$40,000 and obtain approval from the Board of County Commissioners if the purchase is
The purchase of used or refurbished equipment,furniture,vehicles,or materials from the private
sector without competition may be performed if the same or similar articles are not available from
more than one source. Prior to making the purchase,the Office or Department desiring to make the
purchase should determine the market competitiveness of pricing and proposed supplier based upon
market research and should document the findings. Documentation for the purchase should be
retained in a Purchase File, be available upon request, and should contain:
0 A statement as to the price of like goods if purchased new.
0 Documentation of a physical inspection by the purchaser detailing condition of the item.
0 Information detailing the item and price along with two independent sources for
determining fair market value. Acceptable documentation may include:
> Guidebook publications.
> Price guides.
> Web search appraisals.
> Appraisals from sources not associated with the seller or purchaser.Appraisals
should indicate whether a physical inspection of the used equipment was
conducted and whether the price is competitive with the market for comparable
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 14 of 20
equipment.Such sources that make the appraisals are usually knowledgeable of
a particular market, not just knowledgeable of the equipment.
0 If a physical inspection is not conducted,appropriate documentation should be included
in the Purchase File outlining the basis for determining the fair market value of the
equipment in question.
Dollar thresholds requiring Board of County Commissioner approval are still in effect for this type of
• Debarment&Suspension
County offices/departments must not make awards or payments to any party who is debarred
or suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in Federal assistance
programs. Prior to signing a contract where federal funds will be distributed, debarment and
suspension should be checked and documented. Documentation should be kept within the
grant file.
• Allowable Costs
The individual(s)preparing and approving the grant billing and monitoring the grant program
within the County offices/departments must be aware of the purpose of the Federal award and
ensure that the costs being billed to the award are eligible. There are several sources available
to assist in the determination of eligibility:
0 Federal Regulation provides general criteria that should be met when determining
whether a cost is allowable(2 CFR 200.403).
'r' Be necessary and reasonable for the performance of the Federal award and be
allocable thereto under 2 CFR 200.
> Conform to any limitations or exclusions set forth in 2 CFR 200 or in the Federal
award as to types or amount of cost items.
➢ Be consistent with policies and procedures that apply uniformly to both
federally-financed and other activities of the non-Federal entity.
> Be accorded consistent treatment.A cost may not be assigned to a Federal
award as a direct cost if any other cost incurred for the same purpose in like
circumstances has been allocated to the Federal award as an indirect cost.
➢ Be determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
(GAAP),except as otherwise provided for in 2 CFR 200.
> Not be included as a cost or used to meet cost sharing or matching
requirements of any other federally-financed program in either the current or a
prior period.
➢ Be adequately documented.See also§§200.300 Statutory and national policy
requirements through 200.309 Period of performance of 2 CFR 200.
0 The individual award may indicate specific conditions that limit how the funding may be
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 15 of 20
0 Federal Regulation in 2 CFR 200,Subpart E-Cost Principles, provides specific guidance
on the eligibility of a variety of common costs(2 CFR 200.420 through 2 CFR 200.475). A
summary of those costs is listed below:
§200.420 Considerations for selected items of cost.
§200.421 Advertising and public relations.
§200.422 Advisory councils.
§200.423 Alcoholic beverages.
§200.424 Alumni/ae activities.
§200.425 Audit services.
§200.426 Bad debts.
§200.427 Bonding costs.
§200.428 Collections of improper payments.
§200.429 Commencement and convocation costs.
§200.430 Compensation-personal services.
§200.431 Compensation-fringe benefits.
§200.432 Conferences.
§200.433 Contingency provisions.
§200.434 Contributions and donations.
§200.435 Defense and prosecution of criminal and civil proceedings,claims, appeals and
patent infringements.
§200.436 Depreciation.
§200.437 Employee health and welfare costs.
§200.438 Entertainment costs.
§200.439 Equipment and other capital expenditures.
§200.440 Exchange rates.
§200.441 Fines,penalties,damages and other settlements.
§200.442 Fund raising and investment management costs.
§200.443 Gains and losses on disposition of depreciable assets.
§200.444 General costs of government.
§200.445 Goods or services for personal use.
§200.446 Idle facilities and idle capacity.
§200.447 Insurance and indemnification.
§200.448 Intellectual property.
§200.449 Interest.
§200.450 Lobbying.
§200.451 Losses on other awards or contracts.
§200.452 Maintenance and repair costs.
§200.453 Materials and supplies costs, including costs of computing devices.
§200.454 Memberships,subscriptions,and professional activity costs.
5200.455 Organization costs.
§200.456 Participant support costs.
§200.457 Plant and security costs.
§200.458 Pre-award costs.
§200.459 Professional service costs.
§200.460 Proposal costs.
§200.461 Publication and printing costs.
§200.462 Rearrangement and reconversion costs.
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 16 of 20
§200.463 Recruiting costs.
§200.464 Relocation costs of employees.
§200.465 Rental costs of real property and equipment.
§200.466 Scholarships and student aid costs.
§200.467 Selling and marketing costs.
§200.468 Specialized service facilities.
§200.469 Student activity costs.
§200.470 Taxes (including Value Added Tax).
§200.471 Termination costs.
§200.472 Training and education costs.
§200.473 Transportation costs.
§200.474 Travel costs.
§200.475 Trustees.
0 Prior written approval may be obtained from a grantor when the eligibility of a cost is
questionable. The written approval should be kept within the grant file.
• Methods of Procurement
The County's procurement manual should be followed when making federally funded
purchases,except in those cases where the County's procedures are less restrictive than the
federal procurement standards, in which case the federal standards must be used instead.
Appendix D provides a chart to assist in identifying which regulations must be followed. In
addition, a flow chart of the procurement process may be viewed in Appendix A.
Federal procurement standards,as listed in 2 CFR 200.318, categorize purchases into the
following categories:
0 "Micro-purchase" ($0 to$2,000 for construction related costs subject to the Davis-
Bacon Act or$0 to$3,000 for other purchases)—may be awarded without soliciting
competitive quotations if the price is considered reasonable.
0 "Small purchase"($2,000/$3,000 [see above] to the"Simplified Acquisition
Threshold")—price or rate quotes must be obtained from an adequate number of
qualified sources. Current"Simplified Acquisition Threshold" is$150,000.
0 "Sealed bids" (above"Simplified Acquisition Threshold")—bids are publicly solicited and
a firm fixed price contract(lump sum or unit price)is awarded to the responsible bidder
whose bid is lowest in price.
0 "Competitive proposals" (above "Simplified Acquisition Threshold")—requests for
proposals are publicly solicited and a contract(either a fixed price or cost-
reimbursement type contract) is awarded based on indicated evaluation factors in
addition to price.
0 "Noncompetitive proposals"—solicitation of a proposal is only obtained from a single
source. It may only occur when one of the following occurs:
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 17 of 20
> The item is only available from a single source.
> The public exigency or emergency requiring the item will not permit a delay
resulting from competitive solicitation.
Y The Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity expressly authorizes
noncompetitive proposals in response to a written request from the non-
Federal entity.
' After solicitation of a number of sources,competition is determined
• Cost Analysis
Per 2 CFR 200.323,the county must perform a cost or price analysis on purchases (including
contract modifications) over the"Simplified Acquisition Threshold". The method and degree of
analysis will vary depending on the facts of the particular procurement situation; however,at a
minimum,the county must make independent estimates of the procurement costs before
receiving bids or proposals. This analysis will assist in determining the appropriate procurement
method to use. In addition,the county must negotiate profit as a separate element of the price
for each contract in which there is no price competition and in all cases where cost analysis is
performed. The complexity of the work to be performed,the risk borne by the contractor,the
contractor's investment,the amount of subcontracting,the quality of its record of past
performance,and industry profit rates in the surrounding geographical area for similar work
should all be considered when determining a fair and reasonable profit. Costs or prices based
on estimated costs for contracts under the Federal award are allowable only to the extent that
costs incurred or cost estimates included in negotiated prices would be allowable for the non-
Federal entity under Subpart E—Cost Principles of 2 CFR 200. The"cost plus a percentage of
cost"and "percentage of construction cost" methods of contracting must not be used for
contracts under a Federal award.
• Timing of Payment Requests
A federal award will specify whether payment requests are processed on a cost reimbursement
basis or as an advance payment.
0 Cost Reimbursement Grant:A cost reimbursement grant requires that the County must
first expend the funds to the vendor(s) prior to submitting payment requests for those
expenditures. The vast majority of grant awards received by Lewis County are cost
reimbursement grants. Prior to requesting reimbursement,County offices/departments
should verify vendor payments have been processed by reviewing the Pay Listings,
Budget Status Report (BSR),or by contacting the Accounts Payable staff in the Auditor's
0 Advance Pay Grant:An advance pay grant allows the County to receive federal funds
prior to the disbursement of the funds for program purposes. The federal award must
specify advance payment is acceptable prior to requesting an advance payment.
If advance payments are permitted by a federal award,they must:
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 18 of 20
Be limited to the minimum amounts needed to meet cash requirements to carry
out the approved program.
> Be as close as administratively feasible to the actual disbursements for the
> Be timed so that the funds are received as close as possible to the actual
disbursement of the funds.
When payments are received in advance,the interest earned on the advance of funds
must be tracked and may be required to be remitted to the federal agency. Prior to
making an advance payment request, please contact the Auditor's Office to review the
transaction to ensure regulation compliance.
The County recognizes that using bid processes and contracts awarded by another public agency can
achieve efficiency and greater volume discounts. The County encourages the use of these
opportunities in accordance with the provisions of RCW 39.34.030, provided the original public
agency that awarded the bid, proposal,or contract complied with its own statutory procurement
requirements and posted the bid or solicitation notice on the internet.
Offices and Departments may search for such opportunities, including but not limited to State of
Washington contracts, Federal and U.S. Community contracts,and contracts offered by other
municipal corporations within the State of Washington which conform with Chapter 39.34 RCW.
The County shall follow Washington prevailing wage requirements for Public Works and Public
Building Service Maintenance Contracts, pursuant to Chapter 39.12 RCW.
Elected Officials, Directors, and employees who are responsible for conducting procurements and
working with contracts are expected to read, understand, and follow this manual. Directors and
employees who violate this manual may be disciplined, up to and including termination.Elected
Officials, Directors,and employees who violate federal or state laws and regulations regarding
contracting and purchasing are subject to RCW 39.30.020,which states:
"In addition to any other remedies or penalties contained in any law, municipal charter,ordinance,
resolution or other enactment,any municipal officer by or through whom or under whose
supervision, in whole or in part, any contract is made in willful and intentional violation of any law,
municipal charter, ordinance, resolution or other enactment requiring competitive bidding or
procurement procedures for consulting,architectural, engineering,or other services, upon such
contract shall be held liable to a civil penalty of not less than three hundred dollars and may be held
liable,jointly and severally with any other such municipal officer,for all consequential damages to
the municipal corporation. If, as a result of a criminal action,the violation is found to have been
intentional,the municipal officer shall immediately forfeit his or her office. For purposes of this
section,"municipal officer" means an "officer" or"municipal officer"as those terms are defined in
RCW 42.23.020(2)."
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 19 of 20
Adopted December 2016
Larry Grove,Auditor Edna Fund,Commissioner
Amy Davis,Treasurer Gary Stamper,Commissioner
Scott Tinney,Clerk Bill Schulte,Commissioner
Dianne Dorey,Assessor Rob Snaza,Sheriff
Warren McLeod,Coroner Wade Samuelson,District Court Judge
Jonathan Meyer,Prosecutor James Lawler,Superior Court Judge
Lewis County Procurement Procedures Manual Page 20 of 20
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Appendix B: Request For Quotation Form
Lewis County
***Not An Order***
Lewis County is requesting quotations for the following item(s). This quote must be received back by
to be considered. If you have any questions regarding this quote, please see the
contact information below.
Vendor Name: Contact Person:
Vendor Address: Telephone Number:
Item# Description Quantity Unit Price Total per Item
Sales Tax%:I Sales Tax:
Delivery Site:
Payment Terms:
Return Quote Form to:
Attention: Fax:
Email Address: Phone:
*Prices Quoted are to be freight included or firm freight amount is to be listed.
Revised: 11/2016
Lewis County—Sole Source Justification Appendix C
This form was completed by:
Name Title Department
Requested Vendor: Cost Estimate:
Vendor's Address: Vendor Phone:
Vendor Email Vendor Contact
Address/Website: Name:
1. Describe the product, service, or system. Attach all information:
2. Below are eligible reasons for sole source. Check all boxes below that apply to
your sole source situation and attach any useful documents to justify the sole
source. Space is available on page 2 to describe the applicable reasons.
❑ Compatibility to existing County standard or to existing equipment,
inventory, systems, data, programs, or service. Describe. List efforts to find
other sources.
❑ Licensed or patented product with only one dealer. Describe. Attach
documentation if available, to confirm your source is the only dealer or supplier
for this region.
❑ Only authorized Service Provider, Repair and/or Warranty Services.
❑ Unique design: Purchase requires unique features that are essential to its
design and specific to a particular supplier. Describe.
D Used item: Surplus item bought through an auction or distributor that would
represent good value and is advantageous to the County. Describe.
❑ Delivery Date: Only one supplier can meet required delivery date. Describe
and list efforts to find other suppliers to meet the delivery date.
O Project or Research Continuity: Product, systems, services, or data must
comply with an ongoing project, research, data, testing or analysis. Results
would be interrupted or compromised without continuity. Describe.
❑ Other: Please describe:
Revised: 11/2016 Page 1 of 2
Lewis County—Sole Source Justification Appendix C
Provide a Description of the Sole Source Reasons Checked on Page 1:
My department's recommendation for sole source is based upon an objective review of the
good/service being required and appears to be in the best interest of the County. I know of no
conflict of interest on my part or personal involvement in any way with this request.No
gratuities, favor,or compromising action have taken place.Neither has my personal familiarity
with particular brands,types of equipment,materials,or firms been a deciding influence on my
request to sole source this purchase when there are other known suppliers to exist.
Signature of Requestor Date
Signature of Elected Official or Appointed Director
(if under$40,000) Date
Note: Board of County Commissioners approval required for over $40,000.
Please complete this form in its entirety and include with the payment
voucher requesting payment to the vendor. Please retain a copy for
your records.
Revised: 11/2016 Page 2 of 2
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Resolution: BOCC Meeting Date: Dec 19, 2016
Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Consent
Approval of the Lewis County Procurement Procedures.
Contact Suzette Smith Phone: 3607401339
Department: Auditor
Action Needed: Approve Resolution
Based on the recommendation of the Governmental Finance Officer's Association(GFOA),the State Auditor's
Office, and in the best interest of the county,procurement procedures should be authorized that would provide
guidance to all county department when considering purchases of goods or services.
This procurement policy is based on GFOA Best Practices and literature,Washington State RCWs,and
2CFR200(Code of Federal Regulations).
These procedures will assist the county in remaining in compliance with 2CFR200,acceptance of federal
User Group Status
Carter,Glenn Pending
Cover Letter To
Suzette Smith,Auditor's Office
Additional Copies
All department Directors and Elected Officials.
Resolution: BOCC Meeting Date: April 6, 2021
Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Deliberation
Waiving bid requirements and approving a special market condition purchase of two 5 yard dump
Contact: Kim Amrine Phone: 740-2762
Department: PW - Public Works
Resolution waiving bid requirements and approving a special market condition purchase of two 5
yard dump trucks
Approvals: Publication Requirements:
User Status
PA's Office Pending
Additional Copies: Cover Letter To:
Tim Murphy, PW; Tim Fife, PW; Tina Hemphill,
PW, Kim Amrine, PW