Agreement with WA State Military Dept for 2019-20 Emergency Management Performance Supplemental Grant BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF: RESOLUTION NO. 21-137 ACCEPTANCE OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN LEWIS COUNTY AND WASHINGTON STATE MILITARY DEPARTMENT FOR THE 2019-20 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE SUPPLEMENTAL GRANT INCREASE IN FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES THEREON WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) has reviewed the Agreement between Lewis County, Washington, and the Washington State Military Department for the 2019-20 Emergency Management Performance COVID-19 Supplemental Grant; and WHEREAS, the additional contract amount of $3,582 was not included in the budget; and WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best public interest to authorize the execution of said agreement for Lewis County. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the BOCC hereby approves an agreement between Lewis County and the Washington State Military Department, providing $3,582 in Emergency Management Performance Supplemental Grant funds; and delegates authority to Lewis County Commissioner Gary Stamper to sign Amendment #1 on Agreement # E20-248 on behalf of Lewis County. DONE IN OPEN SESSION this 6th day of April, 2021. page I of 2 Res. 21-137 APPROVED AS TO FORM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jonathan Meyer, Prosecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON Eric Eisenberg Gary Stamper By: Eric Eisenberg, Gary Stamper, Chair Chief Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney ATTEST: •'�°""�1;4.. Lindsey R. Pollock, DVM J�S.'pRDOF' i6 Rieva Lester, Clerk of the Boar ;3° 'Lidsey R. Pollock, DVM, Vice Chair j :' SIB �.. g45 (b o�. Lara McRea .�'�"s ''CO"`������� Sean D. Swope By: Lara McRea Sean D. Swope, Commissioner Page 2 of 2 Res. 21-137 SIGNATURE AUTHORIZATION FORM WASHINGTON STATE MILITARY DEPARTMENT Camp Murray, Washington 98430-5122 Please read instructions on reverse side before completing this form. NAME OF ORGANIZATION DATE SUBMITTED Lewis County PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTRACT NUMBER 2019-20 EMPG COVID-19 Supplemental Grant E-20-248 1. AUTHORIZING AUTHORITY SIGNATURE PRINT OR TYPE NAME TITLE/TERM OF OFFICE Gary Stamper BOCC Chair 2. AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CONTRACTS/CONTRACT AMENDMENTS SIGNATURE PRINT OR TYPE NAME TITLE Gary Stamper BOCC Chair a Andy Caldwell DEM Deputy Director 3. AUTHORIZED TO SIGN REQUESTS FOR REIMBURSEMENT SIGNATURE PRINT OR TYPE NAME TITLE Andy Caldwell DEM Deputy Director /1 Fionna Velazquez Emergency Coordinator \\NAC-1!VO \HOME\KARENBI....\L/06/77-\ \SIGNAUTH Revised 3/03 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIGNATURE AUTHORIZATION FORM This form identifies the persons who have the authority to sign contracts, amendments, and requests for reimbursement. It is required for the management of your contract with the Military Department (MD). Please complete all sections. One copy with original signatures is to be sent to MD with the signed contract, and the other should be kept with your copy of the contract. When a request for reimbursement is received, the signature is checked to verify that it matches the signature on file. The payment can be delayed if the request is presented without the proper signature. It is important that the signatures in MD's files are current. Changes in staffing or responsibilities will require a new signature authorization form. 1. Authorizing Authority. Generally, the person(s) signing in this box heads the governing body of the organization, such as the board chair or mayor. In some cases, the chief executive officer may have been delegated this authority. 2. Authorized to Sign Contracts/Contract Amendments. The person(s) with this authority should sign in this space. Usually, it is the county commissioner, mayor, executive director, city clerk, etc. 3. Authorized to Sign Requests for Reimbursement. Often the executive director, city clerk, treasurer, or administrative assistant have this authority. It is advisable to have more than one person authorized to sign reimbursement requests. This will help prevent delays in processing a request if one person is temporarily unavailable. If you have any questions regarding this form or to request new forms, please call your MD Program Manager. Washington State Military Department AMENDMENT 1. Subrecipient Name and Address: 2. Grant Agreement Number: 3. Amendment Number: Lewis County E20-248 1 Division of Emergency Management(DEM) 351 NW North Street Chehalis, WA 98532-0509 4. Subrecipient Contact, phone/email: 5. Department Contact, phone/email: Andy Caldwell, 360-740-1157 John Hollingsworth, 253-512-7044 Andy.Caldwell @lewiscountywa.gov john.hollingsworth @mil.wa.gov 6. EIN: 7. Assistance Listings#(formerly CFDA) &Title: 8. Federal Funding Identification#: 91-6001351 97.042 (20EMPG-S) EMS-2020-EP-00009-S01 9. Funding Authority: Washington State Military Department(the"DEPARTMENT") and the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 10. Description/Justification of Amendment: During the FY20 EMPG COVID Supplemental (20EMPG-S) allocation process, several emergency management organizations did not accept the 20EMPG-S funds. Per WAC 118-090-040(3), the Emergency Management Advisory Group recommended reallocation of the funds based on the normal EMPG allocation methodology. The Subrecipient has been allocated an additional $3,582, which is added to the Budget (Attachment E). The Work Plan (Exhibit C) is amended to add a project to rent facility space to store PPE to assist with the COVID-19 disaster response. The Timeline(Attachment D) is not affected. Changes are noted in strikethrough and grey highlight. 11. AMENDMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. The Grant Agreement End Date of December 31, 2021 remains unchanged. 2. Change the Grant Agreement and Total Match Amount from$14,931 to$18,513,an increase of$3,582, as described on Page 2 of this Amendment. 3. Replace the Original Work Plan, Exhibit C, with the attached Revised Work Plan, Exhibit C, as described on Page 2 of this Amendment. 4. Replace the Original Budget,Attachment E. with the attached Revised Budget,Attachment E, as described on Page 2 of this Amendment. This Amendment is incorporated in and made a part of the Grant Agreement. Except as amended herein, all other terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement remain in full force and effect. Any reference in the original Grant Agreement or an Amendment to the "Grant Agreement" shall mean "Grant Agreement as amended". The Department and Subrecipient acknowledge and accept the terms of this Amendment as identified above, effective on the final date of execution below. By signing this Amendment, the signatories warrant they have the authority to execute this Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment: FOR THE DEPARTMENT: FOR T E SUBR CIPIENT: '-(/(0(g°2-( Signature Date gnatu Date Regan Anne Hesse, Chief Financial Officer Gary Stimper, Chair Washington State Military Department Lewis County Board of Commissioners BOILERPLATE APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM (if applicable): Brian E. Buchholz 7/30/2018 Assistant Attorney General Applicant's Legal Review Date DHS-FEMA-EMPG-S-FY20 Page 1 of 4 Lewis County DEM, E20-248 Amendment 1 Washington State Military Department Amendments to Agreement E20-248 1. Change the Grant Agreement Amount from $14,931 to $18,513, an increase of $3,582. a. Agreement Face Sheet, Box 2 —$44934 $18,513 b. Original Budget, Attachment E; with Revised Budget, Attachment E. 2. Replace the Grant Agreement Work Plan, Exhibit C. a. Original Work Plan, Exhibit C, with attached Revised Work Plan, Exhibit C. 3. Replace the Original Budget, Attachment E. a. Replace the Original Budget, Attachment E, with attached Revised Budget, Attachment E. b. Change the Total Match Amount. $14,934 $18,513 DHS-FEMA-EMPG-S-FY20 Page 2 of 4 Lewis County DEM, E20-248 Amendment 1 Exhibit C REVISED WORK PLAN FY 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant COVID-19 Supplemental Emergency Management Organization: Lewis County The purpose of EMPG-S funds is to assist state, local, and tribal emergency management activities supporting the prevention of, preparation for, and response to the ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency. Funding will be used to support planning and operational readiness for COVID-19 preparedness and response, development of tools and strategies for prevention, preparedness, and response, and ongoing communication and coordination among federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial partners throughout the response. EMPG-S grant funds are intended to support the National Preparedness Goal and fund activities and projects that build and sustain the capabilities necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from those threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to the security of the Nation. Program Area#1 Title Mitigating Spread of COVID19 WORK PLANNED RESULT OF THE WORK Purchase and provide thermometers for screening of Identifying citizens that may pose disease risks,which will COVID-19 in order to encourage a heightened awareness, allow the jurisdiction to avert allowing entrance into identify potentially infected individuals,and to slow the facilities by those with high temperatures and thereby spread of the disease.Two types of thermometers will be help to mitigate the spread of the disease. purchased: 1.Tripod scanner(for detention facilities) 2. Non-contact infrared thermometer(for partner agencies). Purchase and provide appropriate masks for citizens that Providing mask protection to those that don't have any may not have one that desire access into facilities and has the potential of decreasing risks to others and would like the added protection of a mask. themselves,thereby slowing the spread of the disease. Purchase and distribute PPE supplies and thermometers The ability to supply and distribute PPE and and coordinate with Emergency Management agencies thermometers and to coordinate with 130 Emergency on COVID-19 mitigation. Management agencies throughout the county will help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and businesses and schools reopen. Rent facility space to adequately store PPE items Rental space will allow the county to store PPE purchased procured/purchased for the response to COVID-19 within and help increase distribution of PPE throughout the the county. county to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. DHS-FEMA-EMPG-S-FY20 Page 3 of 4 Lewis County DEM, E20-248 Amendment 1 Attachment E REVISED BUDGET FY 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant COVID-19 Supplemental 20EMPG-S AWARD $ 14,931.00 Modification $ 3,582.00 20EMPG-S Amended Award $ 18,513.00 SOLUTION AMENDED AREA BUDGET CATEGORY EMPG-S AMOUNT MODIFICATION EMPG-S AMOUNT MATCH AMOUNT Salaries&Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - Z Overtime/Backfill $ - $ - $ - $ - Z Consultants/Contractors $ - $ - $ - $ - g Goods&Services $ - $ - $ - $ - a. Travel/Per Diem $ - $ - $ - $ - Subtotal $ - $ - '$ - $ - Z Salaries&Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ 18,513 • Overtime/Backfill $ - $ - $ - $ - ni Q Consultants/Contractors $ - $ - $ - $ - Goods&Services $ 931 $ 3,582 $ 4,513 $ - O Travel/Per Diem $ - $ - $ - $ - O Subtotal $ 931 $ 3,582 '$ 4,513 $ 18,513 Salaries&Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - Z Overtime/Backfill $ - $ - $ - $ - E Consultants/Contractors $ - $ - $ - $ - Goods&Services $ - $ - $ - $ - I— Travel/Per Diem $ - $ - $ - $ - Subtotal $ - $ - '$ - $ - D Equipment $ 14,000 $ - $ 14,000 $ - El 14,000 $ - '$ 14,000 $ °J Subtotal Salaries&Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - Overtime/Backfill $ - $ - $ - $ - alConsultants/Contractors $ - $ - $ - $ - 2 Goods&Services $ - $ - $ - $ - Travel/Per Diem $ - $ - $ - $ - Subtotal $ - $ - '$ - $ - Indirect $ - $ - $ - _ $ - Indirect Cost Rate on file 0.0% TOTAL Grant Agreement AMOUNT: $ 14,931 $ 3,582 $ 18,513 1 $ 18,513 • The Subrecipient will provide a match of at least$44934$18,513, 50% of the total project cost (local budget plus EMPG-S award), of non-federal origin. • Cumulative transfers between budget categories in excess of 10% of the grant agreement amount will not be reimbursed without prior written authorization from the Department. Funding Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security-Pl#703PS—EMPG-S DHS-FEMA-EMPG-S-FY20 Page 4 of 4 Lewis County DEM, E20-248 Amendment 1 BOCC AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Resolution: BOCC Meeting Date: April 6, 2021 Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Deliberation ACCEPTANCE OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN LEWIS COUNTY AND WASHINGTON STATE MILITARY DEPARTMENT FOR THE 2019-20 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE SUPPLEMENTAL GRANT INCREASE IN FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES THEREON Contact: Fionna Velazquez Phone: 360-740-3331 Department: DES - Emergency Management (Dept. of Emergency Services) Description: Amendment to the US Department of Homeland Security, through the Washington State Military Department providing FEMA Emergency Management Performance COVID-19 Supplemental Grant (EMPG-S) funds to local jurisdictions and tribes with emergency management programs. The intent of this grant is to support the local emergency management activities supporting the prevention of, preparation for, response to, and recovery from the ongoing Coronavirus public health emergency. During the FY20 EMPG COVID Supplemental allocation process, several emergency management organizations did not accept the 20EMPG-S funds. Per WAC 118-090-040(3), the Emergency Management Advisory Group recommended reallocation of the funds based on the normal EMPG allocation methodology. The grant contract number is E20-248 the original amount allocated was $14,931. We as subrecipient's have been allocated an additional $3,582, which is added to the original amount totaling a supplemental grant allocation of $18,513. The Work Plan is amended to rent facility space to store PPE to assist with the COVID-19 disaster response. Approvals: Publication Requirements: Publications: User Status PA's Office Pending Additional Copies: Cover Letter To: