2021-04-06 Business Meeting Agenda •
Lewis County Courthouse
351 NW North Street
fl Board of County Commissioners Chehalis,WA 98532-1900
��• id1s 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Commissioners' Hearing Room (Room 223)
Call to order
Determination of quorum
Flag salute
Zoom guidelines
Public comment(limited to 3 minutes per person)
Resolution 21-126: Publication of 2020 County Forces road construction projects and costs.
Resolution 21-127: Publishing of Lewis County's On-Call Consultant Roster and appoint the Public Works Director as approvina
authority for category changes.
Resolution 21-128: Call for bids for the material purchase of a precast concrete split box culvert for future installation. Bids are
due to the Clerk of the Board by 12:15 p.m.April 22, 2021.
Resolution 21-129: Approval of warrants/payroll.
Approval of minutes from the March 30,2021,Business Meeting.
Resolution 21-130: Authorize the Director of IT Services to execute the renewal of an Enterprise Agreement with Insight.a
Washington state contracted reseller for Microsoft Corporation licenses.
Resolution 21-131: Approve an agreement between Lewis County and the Department of Commerce to provide Treasury Rent
Assistance Program funds through the Housing Assistance Unit in the amount of$4,867.482.
Resolution 21-132: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Rural Arterial Program Proiect Agreement for Construction Proposal contract
between Lewis County and the County Road Administration Board for the Centralia Aloha Road Improvements
Proiect-CRP 2084.and authorizina signatures thereon.
Resolution 21-133: Reappoint Peter Lahmann to the Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council.
Resolution 21-134: List the bids received and newspaper selected for Lewis County legal printing for lulu 1. 2021.through lune 30.
Resolution 21-135: Appoint/reappoint individuals to the East Lewis County Public Development Authority(ELCPDA) Board of
Resolution 21-136: Waive bid requirements and approve a special market condition purchase of two 5-yard dump trucks.
Resolution 21-137: Accept an agreement between Lewis County and Washington State Military Department for the 2019-20
Emergency Management Performance Supplemental Grant increase in funds and authorizina sianatures
Resolution 21-138: Public Hearing informing the public of Community Development Block Grant General Purpose Grant
Resolution 21-139: Approve a franchise to Mashell Telecom Inc.to install. construct.operate and maintain telecommunication
facilities in Lewis County road rights of way.
•Official BOCC meetings take place in the old historic courthouse at 351 N.W.North Street,Chehalis,unless otherwise noted.Agendas for official BOCC
meetings are available online at https://lewiscountywa.gov/offices/commissioners/agendas-calendar/.
•The BOCC legislative session(Business Meeting)is held in the Commissioners'Hearing Room(Room 223),which is barrier free.Attendees who require
special assistance or accommodations should contact the Commissioners'Office at 360-740-1120 at least 72(seventy-two)hours in advance.
•Written public comments regarding agenda or non-agenda items(excluding public hearing and bid award items)may be submitted in person,by email,
or by regular mail at any time following publication of the meeting agenda and before adjournment of the BOCC's legislative session(Business Meeting).
•Video footage of the BOCC's Business Meeting can be viewed online at LewisCountyWa.gov/bocc-meetings and on the commissioners'Facebook page at
Sean D. Swope Lindsey R. Pollock, DVM Gary Stamper
Commissioner, District 1 Commissioner, District 2 Commissioner, District 3
COVID-19: Cases, response,supplies,services, policies,funding and allocation
Press conference
The Lewis County Commissioners are providing the public access to their official meetings through alternative means
(online and by phone). Please see the following:
PARTICIPATE ONLINE: To attend this meeting via Zoom,go to httos://zoom.us/j/92770578873.The passcode is 085336.
PARTICIPATE BY PHONE: Call 888-475-4499.The meeting ID is 927 7057 8873, and the passcode is 085336.