Approval of warrants and/or payroll. BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF: RESOLUTION NO. 21-191 IN THE MATTER OF WARRANTS AND/OR PAYROLL FOR PAYMENTS OF CLAIMS AGAINST VARIOUS COUNTY DEPARTMENTS WHEREAS, certain funds were appropriated in the 2021 General Fund departments and other Funds appropriated budgets for payment of claims against the County; and WHEREAS, the following warrants numbered 841,469 - 841,488 were issued on behalf of Special Purpose Districts as approved by their Commissions and are noted as a skip in sequence. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED it is hereby resolved that warrants numbered 841,489 - 841,895 (407 warrants) issued the week of May 7-13, 2021 are approved for a total payment against the County in the amount of $1,1 70,582.08; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the payroll/tax deposit warrants numbered 795,829 - 795,830 and Automatic Deposits numbered 25,5 80 - 26,155 (578 combined total warrants/AD), dated May 10th, 2021 are approved for a total payment against the county in the amount of $1,071,086.8 7. DONE IN OPEN SESSION this 18th day of May, 2021. Page 1 of 2 Res. 21-191 APPROVED AS TO FORM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jonathan Meyer, Prosecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON Amber Smith Gary Stamper By: Amber Smith, Gary Stamper, Chair Deputy Prosecuting Attorney ATTEST: ••cO.Y_-Y"As'• Lindsey R. Pollock, DVM �\`' • RD OF .fI�.� Ldsey R. Pollock, DVM, Vice Chair 4' 1845 =z;>: l7 •,4,�,.r`.° ',co.• Sean D. Swope Rieva Lester '•:Sti�.�T.p;, �_ Rieva Lester, ' " Sean D. Swope, Commissioner Clerk of the Lewis County Board of County Commissioners Page 2 of 2 Res. 21-191 CO MAY — I FH9 I. 53 :paAozddE ..ou szauonoA zauoTseTwwoa za rss0 Z O_sQT $ :TP4o spunz uno3 •gstt aAogs auk UT papn/7 z�uo n a'a p �sTq- zo3 aAozddn saop aaoA A4TaoCnw E Aq pznog auk y. 0S S 'a vq stuff �o s� A .mo3 auk ;o swtnZD sapnTout uDtuM bu- stt uo pap oa aaq aAnt 'o60'6Z' 6 Mad Aq paztnbaz sn o sapnzao swrEZo quawaszngwtaz as adxa asogq pun '080'iiZ'Zb mog Aq paztnbaz sn zaaT;;° but�tpnE auk Aq patjtqzao pun paqtpnE szauonoA 98'908'808 $ :INflOYTd ZOD'ISOTZ :Nnu xpaliD TZOZ/LO/SO :RING �IIssEMdE `JNLL$I'I 'IVA02iddtl SJ.NV i2WM IIB][](o g T di A�IInoO sTMa'I 9E:TT TZOZ/L0/9O )4,6q/f1800/-.4i17 /1'78 cal • ` A' b, 3..,�4 � : 4 Ar. +;- r. ,,,...„f x " h s F73a v"- ° em j#, n is ::` ;.:Ji ss x � w ,- �, <mK Kj a � `- 36 ^i>di'. ay .'.,, ,,. e ' { - fe ...Ci amw •r;+s t . ECEIYL #e MAY 12 PH 1: 09 :panoadde aou saa40n0A aaU0TGBT111m03 aauo ssi OD aauoissT zio I $ :TPQ spun,3 A unoa ';sTT anogt aql UT a n ouT s 0 On aso ;uemA ao; anoadde saop agora AaTaoCsm a Aq patog aqa ' / 'a;ep szga ;o sy •A;unop aqa ;o smTtTo sapnToui gOTgM buTgs-ET e o pap o0 aaq antq '060'bz ' mDg Aq pa.ITnbaa se paT;Taaaa SMTPTO quamasangmtaa as a a asoga put 'O80'6Z'Z'v ug Aq Paainbaa st aaOT;;o buTlipne 9114 Aq pai;tgaao put paq-Fpne saauonOA 60'00Z'£L $ -INnonI'd BMdVOTZ :Nn HOHHD TZOZ/TT/S0 -SIVG ;uaavmds. ONISSI'I TVAOUddll SMNYHUYM tsamisparis d Aqunoa sTM9I LT:ZT tZOZ/tt/S0 ' /17g QQ7 - 5G$ 8 00 / UUI��.nie S(13 1a(i t? . .• x. ' .aft S I U L ••::•j a u ��, E girt C., El V E. tle MAY 1 2 PH !• 09 :paAoadda qou s.IagonOA Iauo ssTu aauotssTwmo3 a UOTss m O $ : cloy spung � iuno, . sTT aAoge agq uT a n OUT s o o asogl qua ed aog aAoadde seop agoA AgT.IoCEm Aq paeog ' 'agep sTgl 3o s; -Aquno3 aqq go SU1TWTs sapnIouT gOTuM BUT1STI E uo pa oo aaq @Avg '060'T7Z-Zi, MO2i Aq paaTnba.I sa PsTJTgaao smteTo quamasangmzax ua a asogl puP '080'6Z'Z� MO2i Aq paaTnbaa se aaoTjJo 5uT1Tpn2 aql Aq Pa.JTlaao pua pagTpns saaujonoA 6V'OVO'T8Z $ :ILNf1OWK £007SOIZ :NaU ?IOffiio TZ0Z/TT/S0 :aLVIa ;uaavAde I OKIISI'I 'I'dAO2idd d SINVUEvM uaNNocis T d Aluno3 STMaII 00:1,T TZ0Z/TT/S0 Cg2/73 °a/ r /- 8 GO/ unfmr-sdaa ati . � y"° s des m... ums 05/13/2021 11:05 (Lewis County KMConradi 1 WARRANTS APPROVAL LISTING I 1 P 1 apwarrnt DATE: 05/13/2021 CHECK RUN: 2105LC04 AMOUNT: $ 7,534.64 Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24. 90, have been ec rded on a listing which includes claims of the County. As of his date, 5(�3I2.Q2 , the Board by a majority vote does approve for p ent those vouchers Included in the above list. Coun Funds otal: $ issio Commissioner iss ner Vouchers not approved: CI :1 lid fi 1 )VW et tFE I ` 7 1 LEWIS COUNTY WASHINGTON PAYMENT APPROVAL LISTING FOR PAYROLL/BENEFITS PAYMENTS PROCESSED Vouchers and Payroll certified as required by RCW 42.24 have been recorded on a listing which include claims of the County; Paydate - / the Board by majority vote does approve those vouchers and payroll included on this list. y „Ifun AD# 22580 to AD# 26155 (See attached paylists) ` , EF 795829 to Wrt# 795830 DDA#1&2 NET PAY I 1,071,086.87 Journal Entry# JE#1304 04/2021 TOTAL 1,071,086.87 JE#154 05/2021 r.. uditor or De gnee � hell Sabi Il Bene i Specialist Corn issioner J ice, 4/M Commissi er Chairman of the Board of Commissioners ES :} WI L.- a ail GC (1-.11 A 11 BOCC AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Resolution: 21-191 BOCC Meeting Date: May 18, 2021 Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Consent In the matter of warrants and/or payroll for payments of claims against various County departments Contact: Suzette Smith Phone: 360-740-1339 Department: AUD - Auditor Description: Approval of Warrants/Claims Against the Various County Departments for May 7th-13th, 2021 Approvals: Publication Requirements: Publications: User Status Additional Copies: Cover Letter To: Suzette Smith Rieva Lester, Clerk of the Board Kaity Nissell Grace Jimenez