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The restriction of portion of Jones Road for vehicles exceeding 10,000lbs/5 tons BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF: RESOLUTION NO. 21-228 THE RESTRICTION OF A PORTION OF JONES ROAD FOR VEHICLES EXCEEDING 10,000LBS/5 TONS WHEREAS, RCW 47.48.010 gives authority to the county legislative authority to restrict the use roads for a period of time; and WHEREAS, the culvert on Jones Road at milepost 1.715 has deteriorated to the point where it cannot sustain all legal vehicles; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to restrict the travel of vehicles exceeding 10,000Ibs/5 tons over Jones Road beginning at the Little Hanaford Road intersection to the Hurd Road intersection, until such times as the structure is upgraded to support all legal vehicles; and WHEREAS, Jones Road will remain unrestricted for all vehicles less than 10,000Ibs/5 tons as well as emergency vehicles. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, pursuant to RCW 47.48.010 and .020 and RCW 46.44.080, beginning June 28, 2021, and ending at such time the structure is upgraded to support these vehicles, Jones Road beginning at the Little Hanaford Road intersection to the Hurd Road intersection in Section 17, Township 14 North, Range 1 West, W.M., shall be restricted for all vehicles exceeding 10,000Ibs/5 tons. DONE IN OPEN SESSION this 22nd day of June, 2021. Page 1 of 2 Res. 21-228 APPROVED AS TO FORM: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jonathan Meyer, Prosecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON Amber Smith Gary Stamper By: Amber Smith, Gary Stamper, Chair Deputy Prosecuting Attorney ATTEST: Lindsey R. Pollock, DVM Rieva Lester, Clerk of the Boart ° 'Littdsey R. Pollock, DVM, Vice Chair CE ;° 1845 z�5,}:•Tamara Martin '�sy 'T°"'v: ' Sean D. Swope By: Tamara Martin Sean D. Swope, Commissioner Page 2 of 2 Res. 21-228 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners, Lewis County, Washington, has approved the restriction of Jones Road beginning at the Little Hanaford Road intersection to the Hurd Road intersection, to all vehicles exceeding 10,0001bs/5 tons. During the closure the road will remain open to vehicles less than 10,0001bs/5 tons and emergency vehicles. Pursuant to RCW 47.48.010 and .020 and RCW 46.44.080, effective June 28, 2021 until such times as the structure is upgraded to support all legal vehicles that Jones Road described above in Section 17, Township 14 North, Range 1 West, W.M., shall be restricted for all vehicles exceeding 10,000Ibs/5 tons. DATED: June 22, 2021 .••..••. �..xscouNT),•.. •��•�oARO�F t itr% •O�' y2 ;�; SINCE / �� PO' • a 1845 c,.z. va Lest r ;`t▪ y'•• comos° ' •' Clerk of the Lewis County Board �'�.oTON s��' °•'� of County Commissioners Publish: The Chronicle June 24, 2021 Jones Road Restriction Map Trans Alta Coal Mine ,t5 8 9 Centralia , ----,-- ,t,aa "------- '"'' 4 —I- ,.., ...K....0, ...- , c) 93\ e,Ln ,..4 ',"".1 '",.,„,-`7"....,„, le4.1 •et ''' ...">- ai CI. 7.4-* ...... •-... '---.Z.1,---- '0/2 ../0/) /I Oir Or. / Ce4)v 1— I— 18 ,,c, \... ..,.. 17 16 ch. s..* et —.I., 4,9,7 iit __ Portion of Jones road to be ' . rC eic14' s N 0 -, --- — ------ restricted for vehicles R T lb--,„ k 4:), ............ asaliis..i. Hurd Rd -,. H •' ) , . , ' BOCC AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Resolution: BOCC Meeting Date: June 22, 2021 Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Legal Notice The restriction of a portion of Jones Road for vehicles exceeding 10,0001bs/5 tons Contact: Martin Roy Phone: 1183 Department: PW - Public Works Description: Lewis County has determined that the culvert on Jones Road at milepost 1.715 has deteriorated to the point where unrestricted travel would pose a hazard to the traveling public. It will be necessary to restrict all vehicles exceeding 10,000Ibs/5 tons over Jones Road. Jones Road will remain open to all vehicles below 10,0001bs/5 tons. This resolution would, pursuant to RCW 47.48.010 and .020 and RCW 46.44.080, restrict the use of Jones Road for vehicles exceeding 10,000Ibs/5 tons beginning at the Little Hanaford Road intersection to the Hurd Road intersection in Section 17, Township 14 North, Range 1 West, W.M. Beginning June 28, 2021 and ending at such time the structure is upgraded to support these vehicles. Approvals: Publication Requirements: Publications: User Status The Chronicle -June 24, 2021 PA's Office Pending Additional Copies: Cover Letter To: Kim Amrine, Tim Fife, Martin Roy, Robin Saline, Tina Hemphill, Karen Howsden, Gary Hurley