2021-08-09 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up August 9, 2021 9:21 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Megan Eastman, J.P. Anderson, Steve Wohld, Katie Conradi, Lara McRea, Lee Napier, Chris Panush, Matt Patana, Alison Puckett, Meja Handlen, Scott Smitherman, Wes Rethwill, Connie Riker Guests: Claudia Yaw, Nic Scott Recorder: Tammy Martin Commissioner Pollock made a motion to add to the Aug. 10 Business Meeting agenda the following resolution: • Resolution 21-304: Authorization to establish the rate of pay for a non-union extra help Deputy Coroner Commissioner Stamper seconded. Chris Panush asked for clarification about the rate of pay. Commissioner Stamper said it was to increase the pay for each non-union extra help person $3.00 per hour. Motion passed 2-0. Dog Mountain Microwave relay replacement comment invitation: Scott Smitherman is seeking the Board’s help in asking the Chehalis Tribe for approval to replace the radio tower. The tower is 20+ years old. The Board agreed to sign the letter inviting the Chehalis Tribe to comment on the proposed project. Office of Financial Management (OFM) distribution: Becky Butler said Lewis County received funds for a one-time distribution. She said the funds are to be applied to the purchase of body cams for the Lewis County Sheriff’s Department. Infrastructure bill: Becky said Title III is now offering eligibility for broadband use. Becky is currently researching amendments to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Becky said there will be non-federal match eligibility per her latest NACO call. Fair Tour: Commissioner Pollock said Facilities has nicely allocated COVID funding to repair the bathrooms. Commissioner Pollock said repairing the fairgrounds was a great decision. Commissioner Stamper wanted to thank the volunteers and staff for all the upgrades to the fairgrounds. Announcements: Commissioner Pollock said there was an extensive leak at the Public Health building. There are numerous repairs that are needed and she suggested looking at a long-term fix. This fix would be for additional repairs the building needs and include repairs from the water leak. Approximately a quarter of the building will need drywall replaced due to water damage. Steve Wohld said there was over 2 inches of water in the third floor. This affects flooring and ceilings on other floors and will need to be removed within the 24-36 hours to avoid mold growth. Activity Report: Commissioner Stamper attended a timber conference for American Forest Resource Council (AFRC). He said there were discussions about forest fire mitigation and sustainable harvests. He feels there will be bi-partisan changes with the Legislature. Personnel Authorization Form (PAF) for Public Health Disease Investigator – COVID-19: J.P. said Public Health would like to add a new position for a 12 month project. There is funding for the position and will not impact the budget. J.P. seeks the Board’s approval. Commissioner Pollock made a motion to approve the PAF for the Public Health Disease Investigator. Commissioner Stamper seconded. Motion passed 2-0. COVID-19: J.P. Anderson said Delta variants of COVID-19 is affecting the community. Due to the recent outbreak at UNFI, the distribution warehouse has received guidance from Public Health and is continuing testing on site. J.P. said there was an outbreak at American Behavioral Health Systems (ABHS) over the weekend and health care providers are partnering to mitigate more exposure. J.P. said there are capacity issues at the hospitals. Meeting ended at 9:52 a.m.