2021-08-09 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update August 9, 2021 11:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Pollock, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Shad Hail, Lara McRea, Chris Panush, Lee Napier, Tailor Arrington, Katie Conradi, Josh Metcalf Guest(s): The Chronicle, Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget Erik Martin said budget call letters will go out later in the day. He said preliminary budgets are due Sept. 13. Juvenile Probation Manager Shad Hail outlined reasons he is requesting a step adjustment for Rickie Anders, who is being recruited elsewhere. He said he is requesting that she be moved from a 127 Step 5 to a 127 Step 8. The commissioners said they would discuss the request the following week. Public Works / DEM Packwood sewer: Erik said Public Works is looking into funding for needed improvements at Packwood sewer. Personnel: DEM director interviews taking place later in the week. Looking to hire appraiser. Airport: Erik said Josh Metcalf is looking into decommissioning an underground tank. He said Josh also is looking into fencing at the Toledo airport in response to vandals driving on the runway. Solid Waste: Erik said July 2021 was the largest month ever for Solid Waste collection. He said county employees are working with insurance agents because a customer backed into a Solid Waste excavator. Community Development Permits: Erik said Community Development has issued 1,091 permits year to date compared to 846 at the same time the previous year. Personnel: Erik said CD has hired a long-range planner. He said Lee Napier is looking to hire an entry- level planner. YMCA: Erik said the BOCC will have a quasi-judicial role regarding the YMCA. He said the commissioners will need to document any interactions / discussions they have with anyone regarding the project. Erik said SEPA threshold comments are due Aug. 20. 911 update Personnel: Erik said Scott Smitherman is facing staffing challenges due to vacancies. He said Scott has noted that the dispatchers have fielded 1,700 more calls year to date in 2021 as they did the previous year. Chehalis Ridge project: Erik said the bid call has been reposted. Announcements Erik said Juvenile will move to Maple Lane as Juvenile construction takes place. He said the county has a very favorable monthly lease with the state for the site. He said Juvenile likely will be displaced for a year. Meeting ended at 11:32 a.m.