2021-09-13 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up September 13, 2021 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Pollock, Commissioner Swope, County Manager Erik Martin, Jonathan Meyer, Becky Butler, Doug Carey, Chris Panush, Alison Puckett, Austin Majors, Katie Conradi, Chief Chris Sweet, Lee Napier, Lee Napier, Matt Jaeger, Michelle Sauter, Sherri Dokken, Tim Fife, Wes Rethwill Guests: Claudia Yaw, Nic Scott Recorder: Rieva Lester Erik Martin said he would like to hold Resolution 21-332: Issue a request for proposals (RFP) for a public- private partnership in order to address broadband gaps in Lewis County for a week. Resolutions Commissioner Swope made a motion to add to the Sept. 14, 2021, Business Meeting the following resolutions: • Resolution 21-336: Approve an interlocal agreement for use of Juvenile facilities between Lewis County Juvenile Court and Cowlitz County Juvenile Court. Commissioner Pollock seconded. Juvenile Court Administrator Shad Hail discussed the proposed resolution. Motion passed 2-0. American Rescue Plan Act application for Jail / Juvenile UV light project Commissioner Pollock asked if the UV light device is FDA- or NSF-approved. Commissioner Pollock said the commissioners would like to see the UV light project move forward with the caveat that the county needs to ensure the device is safe and legal to use for an institutional facility. Becky Butler said she would present the rest of the request – including new chairs – at the next American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) meeting. Lewis County Seniors’ request for 2021 second-half contribution Becky said the county has received a request for the second-half contribution. The commissioners approved the request. Prosecuting Attorney’s Office staffing / re-org Jonathan Meyer said his office is looking to consolidate a DPA I and a DPA II position into a DPA III position. The commissioners approved the request and said they would approve the Personnel Authorization Form (PAF). Vacancies • Public Facilities District (PFD) • Citizens Budget Committee – District 3: The commissioners selected Harry Bhagwandin and Frank Corbin. • Lewis Mason Thurston Area Agency on Aging (LMTAAA) Advisory Board: The commissioners selected Carol Brock and Timothy Wood. Activity reports Commissioner Swope discussed a recent tour of the Newaukum River. He also discussed a recent meeting with Dr. Lisa Grant regarding bus driver shortages and child care concerns. Commissioner Pollock discussed work on a grant with the EDC as well as broadband initiatives. She discussed a recent meeting with a representative of a Mossyrock clinic approved to provide monoclonal antibody treatment. COVID-19 Becky Butler said she submitted the county’s Treasury report the previous week. Commissioner Swope said he is quarantining due to a recent COVID exposure. Approval of minutes The commissioners approved minutes for the weeks of Aug. 16 and 23, 2021. Meeting ended at 9:24 a.m.